Barely any companies are using cloud computing to the fullest – TechRadar

Many organisations are failing to get the most out of cloud computing systems despite the wide range of benefits on offer, new research has revealed.

A report from Dell Technologies and Intel claims that only 5% of organisations are experiencing the benefits of cloud, meaning many firms are potentially missing out on supercharging their computing power.

The report, which surveyed over 1,250 IT decision makers around the world, added that the supposed complexity and cost of cloud computing was behind the decision for many businesses, despite the advantages cloud could provide.

Several issues were found to be concerning businesses, even as many companies continue to offload their workloads to a range of cloud services.

In the UK, over three-quarters (77%) of organisations agreed that using public cloud or multiple cloud services alongside on-premises infrastructure have added complexity to IT operations. And globally, over a third (38%) of companies praised hybrid cloud initiatives for helping raise values through achieving cloud management consistency.

This is perhaps surprising given that nearly two-thirds (64%) of organisations had said they were set to increase spending on public cloud services in 2019, and the study also finding that nearly 7 out of 10 global IT decision makers believed increased cloud management consistency would help contribute to an average of 19% lower overall costs.

Its great to see that more organizations are seeing the value in multi-cloud IT environments," said Nigel Moulton, Global Chief Technology Officer, Dell Technologies.

"However, with only 5% having achieved cloud management consistency, a large proportion of organizations are still not experiencing the vast and lucrative benefits that this approach has to offer. Its clear more must be done to align and simplify these hybrid environments.

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Barely any companies are using cloud computing to the fullest - TechRadar

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