2020 Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market research details shared in the report – WhaTech Technology and Markets News

This report provides statistics on the market situation, size, regions and growth factors. Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market report contains emerging players analyze data including competitive situations, sales, revenue and market share of top manufacturers.

The research reports onCloud Computing in Healthcare Marketreport gives detailed overview of factors that affect global business scope. Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market report shows the latest market insights with upcoming trends and breakdowns of products and services.

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Biop Medical





Stanley Healthcare

Verge Health

Cloud computing (including IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, private, and hybrid cloud services, managed cloud services and cloud management platforms) accounted for 7.6% of a global information and communications technology (ICT) market that was worth $3 trillion in 2017. While the global ICT market is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.1% between 2018 and 2022, cloud computing revenues, which passed $233B in 2017, are growing at more than 25%.

In theory, the entire IT market could shift to the cloud, so the disruption yet to be unleashed onto the global software and IT services sector is likely to be substantial.

In recent years, investing in cloud computing technology has become an increased priority for healthcare organizations and networks. However, there is still inertia to overcome due to data security and privacy concerns, infrastructure availability, regulatory compliance worries, and a lack of the staff skills required to manage and maintain the technology.

Understanding and adopting a cloud-based model can be beneficial for healthcare, as cloud solutions offer flexibility, scalability, back-up options, and remote access to services and information. They also make sure crucial structures are still running in case of a single-point failure, and they make system recovery a lot easier and faster.

Key Highlights-- Develop and design your corporate strategies through an in-house expert analysis of the key cloud computing technologies impacting the healthcare industry.- Develop business strategies by understanding the key cloud computing technologies being used in the healthcare industry.- Stay up to date on the industrys big players in the cloud computing industry and where they sit in the value chain.- Identify emerging industry trends in cloud computing technologies to gain a competitive advantage.

Scope of this Report-- This report provides in-house analyst expertise on the applications of cloud computing in healthcare and identifies the winners in cloud professional services. Components of the report include -- Key Players: identify the big players in the cloud computing industry and where they sit in the value chain.- Trends in the Cloud Computing Industry: key trends driving the cloud computing industry classified by tech trends and healthcare trends.- Industry Analysis: analysis of the impact of cloud computing in the healthcare industry.- Impact of Cloud Computing in Healthcare: identify key cloud computing applications in the healthcare industry including case studies demonstrating how healthcare companies are using cloud computing for improved outcomes.- Value Chain: identify the three key cloud computing applications driving growth in the cloud computing industry, highlighting the leaders in each category.

Reasons to accessthis Report-- Develop and design your corporate strategies through an in-house expert analysis of the key cloud computing technologies impacting the healthcare industry.- Develop business strategies by understanding the key cloud computing technologies being used in the healthcare industry.- Stay up to date on the industrys big players in the cloud computing industry and where they sit in the value chain.- Identify emerging industry trends in cloud computing technologies to gain a competitive advantage.

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Table of Contents in this Report-1 Table of Contents 31.1 List of Tables 51.2 List of Figures 52 Players 63 Trends 73.1 Tech trends 73.2 Healthcare Trends 104 Value chain 124.1 Cloud Model (IaaS and PaaS) 134.1.1 Winners 134.1.2 Losers 134.2 Cloud model (SaaS) 144.2.1 Winners 144.2.2 Losers 154.3 Cloud professional services model 174.3.1 Winners 174.3.2 Losers 175 Industry Analysis 195.1 The industry backdrop 195.2 Cloud is the fourth computing wave 205.3 Despite Cloud Computings Rapid Growth, It Remains a Fraction of Global IT Spending 205.4 Market size and growth forecasts 215.4.1 Strategically, IaaS Is the Best Place to Be in the Cloud Computing Stack 225.4.2 SaaS Is the Largest Segment of the Cloud 235.4.3 The Hybrid Cloud Is Growing Fast 235.4.4 And So Is the Open-source Cloud 245.5 What Does the Future of the Cloud Look Like? 255.5.1 Cloud 2.0 255.6 The Future of Healthcare 265.7 Mergers and Acquisitions 275.7.1 All the big tech giants have made significant cloud acquisitions 275.7.2 Timeline 285.8 Additional Mergers and Acquisitions in Healthcare Cloud Computing 295.9 Strategic Alliances in Healthcare Cloud Computing 306 Impact of cloud computing on healthcare 326.1 Healthcare case studies 326.2 Clinical Trials Management 326.3 Drug Development 336.4 Hospital Management/Clinical Information Systems 336.5 Telemedicine 346.6 Medical Imaging 356.7 Medical Devices 366.8 Other Domains 376.9 Key Recommendations for Healthcare Organizations and Networks 386.10 Key Recommendations for Drug Developers 386.11 Key Recommendations for IT Vendors 397 Companies 407.1 Public tech companies 407.2 Healthcare companies 428 Technology Briefing 438.1 Defining cloud computing 438.2 The public cloud computing stack 438.3 Business Benefits of Cloud Computing 448.4 User benefits of cloud computing 458.5 Deployment Models 458.5.1 Public Cloud? 458.5.2 Private Cloud 468.5.3 Community Cloud 468.5.4 Hybrid cloud 468.6 Cloud Professional Services 468.6.1 Cloud Brokerage 468.6.2 Cloud Integration 468.6.3 Managed Cloud Services 479 Glossary 4810 Appendix: Our Thematic research methodology 5010.1 Traditional thematic research does a poor job of picking winners and losers 5010.2 Introducing GlobalDatas thematic engine 5010.3 This is how it works 5010.4 How our research reports fit into our overall research methodology 51

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2020 Cloud Computing in Healthcare Market research details shared in the report - WhaTech Technology and Markets News

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