June Blitz and Memes – Chess.com

The letter W starts with a D.

~ Unknown Malcontent.

Welcome, everyone to another exhilarating edition of Blitz and Memes.If you're a fan of puzzles taken from amateur online blitz tournaments, then you have come to the right place, because that is what I do.

As always, the tactics have been selected from the Japan Chess Federation's monthly blitz tournament: TGIF Blitz. The tourney takes place on the 3rd Friday of every month, 21:00 JST, right here on chess.com. It consists of seven rounds of blitz, with a time control of 3+2; and is open to all JCF club members.

The memes on the other hand, have been divined from the infinite corners of the InterWebs...

This month's edition is coming to you a little late, as we had an issue with the tournament notification, meaning that some regular players were unaware of the start of the tournament. Nonetheless, we have five tactics which might prove a little easier to solve than our usual offerings. Good luck trying to solve all of them on the first try.

So, without further ado, let's get to the Blitz and Memes.

A Free Meal

Our first tactic is taken from the fourt-round encounter between Canping and packurkings. Canping, playing White, sees and opportunity that looks too good to be passed up, but perhaps the piece is poisoned?

You be the judge.

Get While the Getting is Good

This next tactic is a great example of taking what is offered, until something better is offered. In the third round mutaito-st, playing Black, captures free material until a shot at the killer blow appears.

Hint: If it's free to be taken, take it.

Using the F-word

Another tactic from mutaito-st, this time in the sixth round, here, playing White, he can take advantage of Black's last move to win material.

Do you understand how to properly use the F-word?

The Man in the Middle

In the sixth round IM rnanjo, playing Black, was able to take advantage of the poorly positioned White king.

Can you put an end to the man in the middle?

At the End of the Night

And at last, we come to the end of the night. Canping, playing White, is able to pull off something brilliant against none other than IM rnanjo.

Good luck with this one.

And that was it, that was June blitz and memes. Congratulations to IM rnanjo for winning with a 6/7 score despite not playing the first round.

Hopefully you found this edition a little easier and were able to get all five puzzles on the first attempt, congrats if you did, you are an excellent solver of puzzles taken from amateur blitz tournaments.

As always thanks for reading, and feel free to share these puzzles with your friends down at the bar or chess club.

Cheers, SheldonOfOsaka.

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June Blitz and Memes - Chess.com

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