(2024) My thoughts about hurricane season. (June 1st – November 31st) – Chess.com

Intr-WOAH! get it?

Guys, you've heard about on the news, the hurricane season has officially commenced and it will peak near my birthday. September 10th, while my birthday is September 14th... so, be aware of that.

Anyways, lets get onto this official hurricane season and talk about it.

This years hurricane season has 17-25 named storms with 8-13 hurricanes and 4-7 major hurricanes which means a category 3 or more! On average, an average hurricane season has 10 named storms, with about 5.9 hurricanes and 2.5 of them becoming C3 or above hurricanes (major)

Because of global warming, El Nino (which rises the waters temperature) has a 55% chance of occuring. Also, this seasons probability has an 85% chance of the waters becoming above normal, with 10% of the waters becoming near normal and 5% of the waters becoming below normal.


if the 17-25 named hurricanes came true, this would be ranked as the top 10 most active hurricane seasons ever with 2005 as being first with 28 named storms and 15 hurricanes.


If you don't know what a hurricane is, then good for you!

A hurricane is a huge low pressure storm that forms above warm water, causing chaos.

First, I need to show you how hurricanes are formed.

Hurricanes are formed when warm airr rises to the clouds, so cooler air fills in for the job. After that, the cooler air turns into warmer air so cooler air fills in, that cycle continues, grabbing more clouds until a huge storm is produced.

Then, a hurricane is born.

Hurricanes are categorized in 5 categories.

C1 - slight flooding, some damage (74 - 95 mph wind gusts and storm surges up to 4-5 ft)

C2 - material damage to buildings; small craft break moorings (96-110 mph wind gusts and storm surges up to 6-8 ft)

C3 - damage to small houses + inland flooding (111-130 mph wind gusts and storm surges up to 9-12 ft)

C4 - a lot of structual damage and heavy flooding, evacuation necessary (131-155 mph wind gusts and storm surges up to 13-16 ft)

C5 - catastrophic damage to buildings, homes and trees blown away (156+ mph wind gusts and storm surges above 18 ft.

those are the categories of a hurricane.

Okay yeah guys, i have to go so what im specifically saying is: "BE WARNED OF HURRICANE SEASON! EVACUATE!" kinda stuff

also, if you have to evacuate, move to an inland part of your country so that the hurricane wont get you (hurricanes need warm water so if a hurricane moves inside a country, it dissipates.) if your weatherman or meteorologist or weather app (etc.) tells you to evacuate, grab the following:

Non-perishable canned food, a can opener (not electric), water bottles or gallon jugs, AA or AAA batteries, flashlights, first aid kit, an emergency hand crank radio or a power bank, phone charger, one month of medication (such as dreem pills!1!1 lol), UTILITY KNIFE??? sunscreen and etc.

so, whoevers reading this, have a good and hopefully happy hurricane season!

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(2024) My thoughts about hurricane season. (June 1st - November 31st) - Chess.com

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