Category Archives: Engineering
Princeton Lab uses liquid lithium to cool nuclear fusion reactors – Interesting Engineering
Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, a US Department of Energy facility, are using liquid lithium to cool down fusion reactors. In addition to helping maintain the fusion reactor temperature, the liquid metal also protects reactor components from neutron bombardment, a press release sent to Interesting Engineering said.
Fusion reactors recreate conditions on the surface of the Sun to fuse hydrogen atoms and release large amounts of energy. This approach is preferred over nuclear fission since it creates no radioactive waste. However, researchers have only managed limited success with net energy output from these reactions.
Another hurdle in nuclear fusion is controlling the temperature of the reactor itself. For fusion reactions to occur, the reactor temperature must hit 100 million degrees Celsius. However, excess heat is also detrimental since it can damage the interior of the reactor vessel.
Currently, there are no available solid materials that can handle these loads, said Egemen Kolemen, an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at PrincetonsPrincetons Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment. Flowing liquid metals have the potential to resolve these materials challenges.
The researchers used slats to facilitate liquid metal flow on the fusion reactors inside edge. The idea of using liquid metal isnt entirely new and has been attempted before in systems called diverters. However, the liquid metal flowed for long periods, risking overheating the reactor vessel and evaporation of the metal.
To avoid this, PPPL researchers used electric current to direct the liquid flow and ensure that it was only briefly exposed to the plasma. The metal then flows down the channel toward the bottom of the device called a divertorlet, where the liquid metal cools down and is then sent back to the top of the slat to be poured down again. This avoids overheating the metal since it is briefly exposed to the plasma and then cooled down soon again.
Lithiums role, however, is not limited to cooling down the system alone. It also performs an additional task of keeping the plasma hot enough by recycling the hydrogen particles. Hydrogen isotopes that leave the plasma typically return at a significantly lower temperature, which cools down the plasma.
If your plasma-facing system is made of lithium, it absorbs and keeps those particles that are colliding against the walls, so your plasma is no longer cooling down at fast rates, added Francisco Saenz, a graduate student at Princetons Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering who was involved in the work.
The research team carried out multiple simulations of this approach and used Galinstan, a mix of gallium, indium, and tin, in their experiments since the mixture has the electrical conductivity of liquid lithium.
We used galinstan in our experiments because it is much easier to work with it given that it is liquid at room temperature, Saenz told IE in an email. Operating with lithium would require a heating system to stay above the melting point of lithium, which is ~ 180 C. The behavior of galinstan should be similar to that of lithium at the reactor scale given that their electrical conductivities are very similar.
The team also experimented with increments in current flow to arrive at a flow uniformity for the liquid metal without splashing inside the reactor vessel. The press release added that the team achieved a flow rate of one meter per second by using 900A of current.
PPPL researchers have also initiated the Lithium Experiment Application Platform to work with larger volumes of liquid lithium and other metals, such as copper and tungsten.
Tungsten is indeed the desired material for a real divertorlets system but it is way harder to build component using tungsten, added Saenz in the email. It would be more advantageous than copper because it would allow the liquid metal to reach higher speeds with smaller power requirements for operation.
The current design of the divertorlet is closed and does not allow liquid lithium to be removed from the reactor vessel. In the future, the researchers are also keen to work with a system in which spent lithium can be removed and new liquid lithium added to cool it.
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Ameya Paleja Ameyais a science writer based in Hyderabad, India. A Molecular Biologist at heart, he traded the micropipette to write about science during the pandemic and does not want to go back. He likes to write about genetics, microbes, technology, and public policy.
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Princeton Lab uses liquid lithium to cool nuclear fusion reactors - Interesting Engineering
The identity deficit is the cause of engineerings broken female pipeline – Times Higher Education
The UK is not alone in facing an engineering skills shortage that threatens its ability to thrive in a globalised economy and to contribute to solving the problems facing the human race.
Despite growing demand for a skilled workforce, there is an annual shortfall of 59,000 engineers. To make matters worse, nearly afifth of the current UK engineering workforce is expected toretire by2026, resulting in a skills gap of1million engineers by2030.
One reason is the difficulty of attracting diverse talent into engineering. Another problem is retaining it: every year, roughly 35 per cent of new engineering graduates choose roles outside engineering and most of them are women and ethnic minorities.
The result is that engineering continues to have the smallest proportion of women of all major UK professions; while women make up 53 per cent of registered solicitors and just under 49 per cent of licensed medical doctors, they account for only 15.7 per cent of engineers.
Increasing the size and diversity of the UK engineering workforce is a complex challenge, but one thing that has been grossly overlooked is the importance of students developing an engineering identity. Research shows that this is an important indicator of persistence in both engineering education and the engineering profession. Who students think they are frames what they think they can achieve and where and with whom they feel they belong.
With colleagues at the University of Bath School of Management, I have studied both students undertaking a traditional engineering degree and apprentices on an engineering degree apprenticeship. Our findings confirm that a qualification does not make an engineer. Some students and apprentices would not call themselves engineers even upon graduation; instead, they would say I have a STEM degree or I am a STEM person. They just didnt feel engineering was a good fit for them. Unsurprisingly, then, they sought jobs in other fields. And they were predominantly female, gay or ethnic minorities.
Engineers are not born, they are made. The development of an interest in engineering is shaped by students exposure to engineering experiences throughout their education and by the support and encouragement they receive, nurturing an early engineering identity. But a traditional bias, both in the general public and the engineering profession itself, is that males are better at science and technology than females. And even engineering degrees do little to overcome such prejudices.
All the female students I interviewed had already been in the minority during their GCSE and A levels, so they were used to being interrupted and ignored by overconfident male classmates. They would ignore inappropriate comments, saying things like It's OK: I'm used to it. But they felt that male academics the majority of faculty were also overly critical and dismissive of female students, and the cumulative effect of all this was to make women feel insecure.
Instead of focusing mainly on technical content, engineering educators need to acknowledge and address the symbolic aspects of training for the profession. They need to challenge gender stereotypes and to explore what identities are and how they are developed and supported. This could be done by adding workshops, seminars, readings or guest speakers to the curriculum and by actively giving women opportunities to take leading roles in university projects, helping them try out their engineering identity.
It also means exploring perceptions and interactions. These things are not very tangible (so not very engineering) but they make a huge difference to the outcomes of engineering education. Faced with a similar problem on its MBA, for example, Harvard Business School found that the predominantly male faculty had unconscious bias when grading the class participation of female students, that the culture did not support junior female faculty, and that women needed to learn to raise their hands in class to make themselves more visible, for instance.
Hermia Ibarra, professor of organisational behaviour at London Business School, talks about second-generation gender bias as the cause of womens persistent under-representation in leadership roles, and I think the same applies to engineering. It is not conscious bias but it has the same effect. If when I see a woman engineer, I label her a female engineer and associate with that label not very good technically, it is likely that I will exclude her from highly technical projects. In my mind, I just want to choose the best person for the job, but I will make the environment feel unwelcoming to her and, over time, she will get the message that she is not wanted and move on.
The challenge is that second-generation bias is invisible in a way that open sexism is not and hence much harder to address. This is why the policies that different organisations in the UK have put in place to attract more women and ethnic minorities to engineering have had such limited success. They are trying to change behaviours, but it is not behaviours themselves that matter, so much as the symbolic meaning given to them.
Engineering educators need to do more to help students reassess the meaning they attach to labels such as female engineer or black engineer. They must help all students develop an engineering identity. Otherwise, they will continue to mostly train future financiers and management consultants, rather than practising engineers.
Elena Liquete is a researcher at the University of Bath and a senior consultant at CarringtonCrisp.
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The identity deficit is the cause of engineerings broken female pipeline - Times Higher Education
Aerosols, water vapor from Tonga eruption cooled Earth, researchers say – Interesting Engineering
There have been a lot of mysteries lying around the climatic impact of the 2022 Hunga Tonga volcano eruption.
There was initial speculation that it might account for the extreme global warmth in 2023 and 2024.
However, new research from a collaborative team featuring Texas A&M University atmospheric scientist Dr. Andrew Dessler revealed that the eruption actually contributed to cooling the Earth, similar to other major volcanic events.
The research said that, historically, large volcanic eruptions have had significant cooling effects on the global climate by blocking sunlight with their aerosols.
The remarkable two-day event, which occurred in mid-January 2022, injected vast amounts of volcanic aerosols and water vapor into the atmosphere.
Historically, large volcanic eruptions, like Tambora in 1815 and Mt. Pinatubo in 1991, have had significant cooling effects on the global climate by blocking sunlight with their aerosols.
However, Hunga Tongas eruption presented a unique scenario: As a submarine volcano, it introduced an unprecedented amount of water vapor into the stratosphere, increasing total stratospheric water content by about 10%.
Because water vapor is a powerful greenhouse gas, the eruption cooled the Earth.
Their researchers analyzed satellite data observations of aerosols and water vapor, among other variables, to estimate the energy balance of the Earths climate system.
Their analysis revealed that the eruption resulted in more energy leaving the climate system than entering it, thereby inducing a slight cooling effect.
Our paper casts doubt on the explanation that the eruption caused the extreme warmth of 2023 and 2024, Dessler explained. Instead, we need to focus primarily on greenhouse gases from human activities as the main cause of the warming, with a big assist from the ongoing El Nio.
According to Dessler, this research has important implications for both scientists and the general public.
By dismissing the volcanic eruption as a major factor in the recent warming, the teams study reinforces his point that human-induced greenhouse gas emissions are the primary driver of climate change.
This focus is particularly relevant, given the ongoing debate and misinformation about the causes of global warming.
Moreover, the study underscores the importance of continued investment in satellite-based stratospheric measurements.
While this paper answers several important questions, Dessler acknowledges that it simultaneously introduces new ones.
For instance, the researchers highlighted some unresolved issues related to the Hunga Tonga eruption, such as the unexpectedly low levels of sulfur dioxide produced by such a violent eruption and the minimal impact the eruption had on the 2023 ozone hole.
The 2023 ozone hole refers to a significant thinning of the ozone layer over Antarctica, which allows more harmful UV radiation to reach the Earths surface.Additionally, the persistence of water vapor in the stratosphere beyond what was predicted by models suggests that there is still much to learn about stratospheric circulation processes.
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Kapil Kajal Kapil Kajal is an award-winning journalist with a diverse portfolio spanning defense, politics, technology, crime, environment, human rights, and foreign policy. His work has been featured in publications such as Janes, National Geographic, Al Jazeera, Rest of World, Mongabay, and Nikkei. Kapil holds a dual bachelor's degree in Electrical, Electronics, and Communication Engineering and a masters diploma in journalism from the Institute of Journalism and New Media in Bangalore.
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Aerosols, water vapor from Tonga eruption cooled Earth, researchers say - Interesting Engineering
Scientists finally discover sugar that could cure male pattern baldness – Interesting Engineering
Over thousands of men worldwide struggle with the frustrating reality of hair loss. But what if a simple, natural solution could be on the horizon?
Scientists at the University of Sheffield and COMSATS University Pakistan have discovered a sugar compound that could play a role in hair restoration.
They found that a naturally occurring sugar called 2-deoxy-D-ribose, or 2dDR for short, can boost hair growth by promoting the formation of new blood vessels. This vital process nourishes hair follicles, supporting them to produce new hair.
Male pattern baldness is such a common condition, affecting men all over the world, but at the moment there are only two FDA licensed drugs to treat it. Our research suggests that the answer to treating hair loss might be as simple as using a naturally occurring deoxy ribose sugar to boost the blood supply to the hair follicles to encourage hair growth, explained Sheila MacNeil, Emeritus Professor of Tissue Engineering at the University of Sheffield.
Ribose and deoxyribose are both classified asmonosaccharidesor simple sugars found in living organisms.They are essential components of nucleic acids,with ribose found in RNA and deoxyribose in DNA.
Over the past eight years, the team focused on using 2dDR sugar to stimulate blood vessel growth for wound repair. Unexpectedly, they noticed a correlation between wound healing and increased hair growth.
To investigate the sugars effect on hair loss, scientists developed a mouse model with testosterone-driven hair loss. The animal model mimicked the reason for pattern baldness in males.
They observed that a small amount of this naturally occurring sugar promoted hair regrowth by boosting blood flow to the hair follicles. The sugar molecule is considered to promote new hair growth by boosting the synthesis of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
This discovery could lead to the creation of a potential cure for male pattern baldness, known as androgenic alopecia. This condition impacts up to 50% of males globally.
Results indicate that deoxyribose sugar matches Minoxidils efficacy in stimulating hair growth, presenting a promising natural treatment option.
Minoxidil, marketed as Rogaine and Theroxidil, is one of only two FDA-approved hair loss treatments. As per NewAtlas, the drug has been known to induce side effects like irritation and sensitivity to light. Furthermore, the medicine is less effective for individuals over 40 and those with receding hairlines. And it is not recommended for people who are on blood pressure medications.
This pro-angiogenic deoxy ribose sugar is naturally occurring, inexpensive and stable and we have shown it can be delivered from a variety of carrier gels or dressings. This makes it an attractive candidate to explore further for treatment of hair loss in men, said Professor (Associate) Muhammed Yar (T.I.) of IRCBM, COMSATS University Pakistan, in the press release.
MacNeil stated that the findings are preliminary, but they show great promise. This could offer another approach to treating this condition which can affect mens self-image and confidence, MacNeil said.
Further research could help bring this possible non-invasive, low-cost treatment to patients.
The findings have been published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology.
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Mrigakshi Dixit Mrigakshi is a science journalist who enjoys writing about space exploration, biology, and technological innovations. Her work has been featured in well-known publications including Nature India, Supercluster, The Weather Channel and Astronomy magazine. If you have pitches in mind, please do not hesitate to email her.
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Scientists finally discover sugar that could cure male pattern baldness - Interesting Engineering
China to launch worlds first thorium molten salt nuclear power station in 2025 – Interesting Engineering
In a significant moment for nuclear energy development, China plans to set up the worlds first molten salt nuclear power station in the Gobi Desert.
The innovative facility, which China claims will start operating by 2025, intends to reshape global energy with its high-end technology and prospects for a safer and greener nuclear power industry.
Instead of uranium, this plant uses thorium as its fuel. Its reactor does not need water for cooling because it utilizes liquid salt or carbon dioxide to transfer heat and make electricity.
One advantage of using thorium as a primary fuel lies in eliminating fears over possible shortage resulting from running out of uranium, which is normally used in reactors; this is due to thorium being more plentiful than uranium.
Thorium, an occurring element with radioactivity, has long been known for its potential as a type of fuel in nuclear reactors.
Unlike uranium-based reactors, thorium reactors have benefits, such as improved safety features and less long-term nuclear waste.
The design of the salt reactor specifically made for using thorium enhances its advantages by ensuring heat transfer and stable operation.
Chinas choice to develop a thorium salt nuclear power plant shows its dedication to progressing energy technologies and addressing environmental issues linked with traditional fossil fuels.
Given the effort to cut carbon emissions and combat climate change impacts, exploring energy sources like thorium-based nuclear power is increasingly important.
One of the hallmark features of thorium reactors is their passive safety measures.
While uranium reactors depend on solid fuel rods, thorium reactors use an environmentally safer liquid mixture of fuel that operates at normal pressure.
Moving away from the water cooling model, this design significantly reduces the chances of meltdowns. Further, it lessens other catastrophic events that follow such an event, creating a more secure version of nuclear power generation.
These relative advantages are rooted in thorium reactors generating less toxic and short-lived radioactive waste than uranium-fueled ones, thereby easing long-term disposal.
The thorium molten salt nuclear power station complements Chinas energy strategy of diversifying the sources and improving security consumption.
Unlike silicon, those more advanced products still need to be for sale (or at least not widespread), making thorium the hot new thing friends are talking about.
This project aligns with Chinas carbon-neutral ambition and showcases its leadership role in global initiatives on climate change.
Aside from its environmental benefits, the thorium molten salt nuclear power station also has geopolitical significance.
While countries invest to guarantee equality of footing for the future, as die-cast in shifting populism and nationalism trends shaping the global dynamics portfolio, how relationships are made may soon be changed greatly when looking at possible strategic alliances emerging due to nuclear inheritances.
The launch and operation of such a station in China will surely set a benchmark for all other countries with alternative nuclear energy desires.
The example outlined in this design lays down one of the cornerstones for pursuing cleaner, safer, and more efficient future energy sources.
While the world remains cautiously optimistic about Chinas strides in creating a new nuclear paradigm, leading questions will revolve around the technological developments and potential social implications facing these thorium-based reactors today.
A station then would pave the way for new energy technologys transformative adoption and could significantly shape global energy systems over opened because of a first-ever successful operation.
Stay up-to-date on engineering, tech, space, and science news with The Blueprint.
Kapil Kajal Kapil Kajal is an award-winning journalist with a diverse portfolio spanning defense, politics, technology, crime, environment, human rights, and foreign policy. His work has been featured in publications such as Janes, National Geographic, Al Jazeera, Rest of World, Mongabay, and Nikkei. Kapil holds a dual bachelor's degree in Electrical, Electronics, and Communication Engineering and a masters diploma in journalism from the Institute of Journalism and New Media in Bangalore.
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Making a meal of it: how mealworms and insect protein will change the world – Interesting Engineering
In our most recent episode of Lexicon, we sat down with Jennifer Larouche, the chief scientific officer of Ribozome, a Quebec-based company pioneering the edible insect industry. Ribozome specializes in farming mealworms to produce sustainable, nutritious, eco-friendly edible insect protein.
Jennifer shares her experience and thoughts on the interesting world of mealworm farming, the nutritional and environmental benefits, and the challenges and future potential of edible insects in the food industry.
Join us as we explore this developing field of sustainable and highly scalable protein industry of the future.
During her academic studies, Jennifer Larouches journey into the world of edible insects began in 2016. We were feeding carnivorous fish with housefly larvae. At that time, I did not know that salmon we consume are fed with fish taken from the oceans. I was kind of outraged by that, knowing that edible insects were such an amazing opportunity to feed them, Larouche explained.
She explained that this passion for sustainable protein sources inspired her to co-found Ribozome in 2021 alongside her partner, Danny.
Jennifer explained that farming mealworms is a very tricky process that involves several key stages. One of the key ones being that mealworms are farmed in stackable trays placed on pallets, allowing for efficient use of space.
When it comes to feeding, they are primarily fed dry feed. This, Jennifer explained, is often sourced from local food processors. The mealworm is fed really dry product, and so we usually start with wheat bran and then evolve by adding other residue, said Larouche. This circular economy model reduces waste and uses by-products from other industries.
The mealworms grow for about 8 to 12 weeks, after which they are harvested. The insect will be washed, steamed, boiled, dried, and ground into powder. Most of the time it will be in powder form since people are not really ready to see the insect yet, Larouche noted.
If you are wondering about how this protein tastes, Ribozomes unique drying methods give the mealworm powder a chocolate-like taste, making it more appealing to consumers.
As Larouche explained to IE, one of the standout features of mealworm protein is its nutritional profile.
It compares on the amino acid content, so like animal protein, the profile in amino acid is complete, Larouche explained. This makes mealworms an excellent protein source for those looking to reduce meat consumption without compromising on essential nutrients.
Mealworm powder also contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and B12 vitamins, which are crucial for a balanced diet. Jennifer went on to explain that, from an environmental perspective, mealworm farming offers significant advantages over traditional livestock farming.
Compared to chicken, the production of mealworms in a circular economy context generates 300 times less greenhouse gas, requires 13 times less water, two times less feed, and three times less space, Larouche highlighted.
These efficiencies make mealworms a highly sustainable protein source that can be produced even in urban areas without causing significant odor or pollution.
Introducing edible insects to the mainstream market comes with its challenges, primarily the yuck factor. Ribozome has taken a strategic approach to overcome this barrier. The best way to introduce insects is by including them in products we are comfortable eating. Thats why we decided to sell our product, which tastes like chocolate, Larouche explained.
For this reason, Ribozome aims to make the transition to insect protein easier for consumers by integrating mealworm powder into familiar foods like cookies and muffins. Theyve even produced a few recipes for using their products on their website.
Ribozome is heavily invested in research to ensure its products safety and nutritional quality. They are collaborating with Laval University on a project to develop a quality assurance tool using metagenomics.
We want to quickly see the microbial community present in our insects and their feed to identify new pathogens or problems that could emerge, Larouche said. This proactive approach aims to mitigate risks and enhance the reliability of mealworm products.
The future of the edible insect industry looks promising, with potential applications extending beyond human food. For the food industry, it will have to pass by the development of various delicious food products. The real way to promote this industry is through animal feeds and pet food, Larouche predicted.
She also explained to IE the growing interest among pet owners in sustainable and hypoallergenic food options, which is why insect protein is perfect. Furthermore, edible insects could play a crucial role in aquaculture.
Feeding fish with insects is a more natural and sustainable option than soybean protein or fish meal, Larouche noted. This could significantly reduce the environmental footprint of fish farming and improve the industrys sustainability.
Reflecting on her journey, Jennifer also shared a memorable moment from her early days working with insects.
We received 2000 crickets in our apartment and realized crickets could eat plastic. They had made a hole in their little cage and there were crickets everywhere in our house, she explained.
Jennifers work at Ribozome highlights the immense potential of edible insects as a sustainable protein source. With continued innovation and consumer education, edible insects could become a staple in our diets, solving many of the environmental challenges associated with traditional livestock farming.
As Larouche aptly put it, The key to success for the insect industry is to develop and market a lot of products, paving the way for a more sustainable future.
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Christopher McFadden Christopher graduated from Cardiff University in 2004 with a Masters Degree in Geology. Since then, he has worked exclusively within the Built Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Consultancy industries. He is a qualified and accredited Energy Consultant, Green Deal Assessor and Practitioner member of IEMA. Chris’s main interests range from Science and Engineering, Military and Ancient History to Politics and Philosophy.
Silkworms, shrimps can help repair damaged skin and bones: EU researchers – Interesting Engineering
Researchers are working on new nature-based solutions to help in skin and bone repair, and the new method involves the use of silkworms and even shrimps.
With silkworms, scientists are hoping that they can be used to regenerate human tissue.
This research, funded by the European Union, is being conducted at multiple locations across the globe.
The researchers are trying to decode tissue engineering as a new strategy to tackle the growing need for surgeries or transplants needed in case of diseases, accidents or age-related issues.
Silk is now emerging as a promising nature-based option for stimulating human tissue to self-regenerate.
One such study is SHIFT, which aims to find out how natural materials can help tissues create natural blood vessels through the tissue engineering process.
Partners of the EU-funded SHIFT project have designed several devices with bio-based polymers capable of promoting the regeneration of skin, bone, and cartilage during the implementation of MSCA-RISE REMIX (2017-2021).
SHIFT aims to take the research a step forward and design innovative, natural-based, scalable constructs that enhance angiogenesis for the treatment of widespread chronic pathologies, such as large defects in bone, and cartilage and the treatment of chronic wounds (ex., diabetic ulcer).
Further, the SkinTERM project is another one where researchers are trying to treat skin wounds by recapitulating skin embryonic development in adults while striving to regenerate rather than repair skin.
Skin organogenesis will be induced using key elements from the extracellular matrix of fetal skin and the skin of species that exhibit scarless regeneration, along with (stem) cells from relevant origins.
The starting point for the study is the remarkable capability of early fetal skin and skin from the spiny mouse (Acomys) to heal perfectly without scars/ contraction and with appendices such as hair follicles.
According to a recent report in Horizon: The EU Research and Innovation Magazine, the silk produced from thoroughbred silkworms can be used to build some sort of scaffold in damaged tissues.
The cells in these damaged tissues, using this scaffold, can then form new tissues and blood vessels.
According to the report, the process can be used to treat conditions such as diabetic ulcers and lower back pain.
The SHIFT team has been trying to find minimally invasive options that can be used to pass on the treatment to the patients bodies.
At the end of the SHIFT project, the team aims to have two or three prototypes using silkworms or other marine organisms that can directly benefit humans.
The teams are also looking at how they can use textile and food industry wastes to find out solutions for helping the human race.
Professor Antonella Motta, a researcher in bioengineering at the University of Trento in Italy and a prominent member of the SHIFT project, says that nature-based rather than synthetic approach is the way to go and thinks treatments harnessing SHIFTs methods could become available in the early 2030s.
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Abhishek Bhardwaj Abhishek brings a wealth of experience in covering diverse stories across different beats. Having contributed to renowned wire agencies and Indian media outlets like ANI and NDTV, he is keenly interested in Tech, Business and Defense coverage.
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Silkworms, shrimps can help repair damaged skin and bones: EU researchers - Interesting Engineering
Star Catcher: Worlds first space solar power station gets funding – Interesting Engineering
Star Catcher Industries, a Florida-based startup, has unveiled bold plans to build the worlds first space-based energy grid to power satellites.
In a major boost, the startup has raised $12.25 million in seed funding to build its constellation of power-beaming satellites. The first of these satellites could be in orbit by next year.
Star Catcher Network aims to advance space operations by providing a reliable and abundant power source to the low-Earth orbit satellites.
Were confident Star Catcher will do for orbital power what SpaceX has done for launch. Theyre a proven, veteran commercial space team executing on an audacious vision at high speed, said Andrew Sather, Principal at Initialized Capital who led the funding round.
Beaming energy from space to Earth is a fast-expanding market. For instance, Caltech has been conducting research on space-based solar power and has successfully demonstrated power beaming to Earth.
Moreover, a UK-based company Space Solar has made significant strides in wireless power transmission technology and demonstrated a 360-degree power transmission system. A key advantage of space-based solar power is its ability to provide uninterrupted energy, unlike its Earth-based tech.
However, these initiatives focus on Earths energy demands and do not include satellite power options. Thats where Star Catchers first-of-its-kind network comes in.
The unique energy grid will beam substantial broad-spectrum power to spacecraft in LEO and beyond.
The network will consist of power node satellites positioned in low Earth orbit, around 900 miles (1,500 kilometers) above the Earth. These satellites will harness solar power and transmit it efficiently to customer spacecraft.
By supplying energy at higher intensities than sunlight, the network will allow spacecraft to generate five to 10 times more power than their existing solar arrays.
The need for high-powered space applications is rapidly increasing. It is widely used in orbital telecommunications, computing, remote sensing, human spaceflight, and among other space applications.
As LEOs satellite population explodes to over 40,000 by 2030, Star Catcher forecasts a dramatic increase in power needs to 840 megawatts. The current space power capacity stands at only tens of megawatts.
Star Catcher is expected to dramatically increase space power by providing high-energy input to solar arrays, allowing satellites to do more, operate longer, and save money.
Power infrastructure is the foundational building block of civilization and industry; our goal is to expand that foundation into LEO and beyond with our in-space power grid and service, said Andrew Rush, Co-Founder, President, and CEO of Star Catcher.
Being able to buy power for your spacecraft whenever and wherever you need it in LEO will expand opportunity and accelerate humanity realizing the potential of the second golden age of space, Rush added in the press statement.
The seed funding will be used to conduct ground trials to validate and demonstrate Star Catchers power-beaming capabilities.
After validating the technology through ground trials, Star Catcher will conduct an in-orbit demonstration in late 2025 before fully launching the commercial service.
Once deployed, satellite operators can shift to a shared infrastructure mindset, where power consumption will not be constrained by what satellites bring with them, the release noted.
If this bold is successful, the future satellites will no longer limited by their power source.
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Mrigakshi Dixit Mrigakshi is a science journalist who enjoys writing about space exploration, biology, and technological innovations. Her work has been featured in well-known publications including Nature India, Supercluster, The Weather Channel and Astronomy magazine. If you have pitches in mind, please do not hesitate to email her.
Star Catcher: Worlds first space solar power station gets funding - Interesting Engineering
Intelligent systems engineering with modelling, simulation and AI – Engineer Live
How integrating modelling, simulation and AI is paving the way for automated product development and intelligent systems engineering.
Sustainability is becoming more and more embedded into product design processes across a multitude of industries, from cleaner vehicles and more efficient industrial equipment to advanced materials engineering. A combination of modelling, simulation, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is helping this evolution on its way in the form of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). But while great strides are continually being made using these innovative technologies, there is still untapped potential waiting to be unleashed, believes Philippe Bartissol, VP of Industrial Equipment at Dassault Systemes.
Product and machine design is evolving through what we call MODSIM AI, which is modelling, simulation and AI all together in one platform 3DEXPERIENCE also with sustainability calculations and Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) added in, he says. When you develop a new product, you should also think from a service engineering perspective: How am I going to service, maintain and retrofit the new range once it reaches the market? It is not only product design engineering that matters, but also the system, production and service engineering processes you offer throughout that products lifecycle.
MODSIM unifies modelling and simulation on a common data model within the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to allow engineers to consider the entire product development process for an AMR in one place. More than just simulation-driven design, MODSIM enables simulation to drive the entire product development cycle from beginning to end, including requirements, validation, certification, development, programme management, design processes and automation.
We have plugged the largest database of CO2 emissions calculations into the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, so that engineers can explore all aspects of the product design process, Bartissol explains. Engineers can simulate design and material options, manufacturability, modularity for disassembly later on, and for the calculations there is an LCA capability built into the platform that, when engineers are generating design, material and manufacturing alternatives, the system will tell them immediately what the CO2 impacts will be. Then, from a sustainability perspective, engineers must look at longer life pieces of equipment and future product lines.
This is where designing for retrofit comes into the conversation, he adds. Putting together the business case of retrofitting versus new, engineers need to consider how much value they can increase if they retrofit, and what is the cost. Looking at this like an infinity loop, you would have in the beginning design engineering, manufacturing, service engineering then selling, producing and installing. Then, during the life of the equipment, there will be a value for certain costs. When the value is not enough in operation while using the piece of equipment, engineers have two possibilities: either to retrofit or to buy a new product. So, by working on the after sales of the retrofit possibilities, engineers can extend the life of a machine or product with less of an impact on the environment.
To enable greater retrofit possibilities, designing AMRs and other machine equipment for modularity from the start is crucial, Bartissol says.
We have all these initiatives to design for cost, for service, for simulation driven design, but this is not enought. We should be designing for retrofit and that should be the primary goal for design right now, he explains. Engineers need to take the view: what will this piece of equipment become over the next 10, 20, or 50 years? This is important on two counts, for the environment and sustainability but also for profitability.
A modular product range demands advanced design software capabilities, such as modelling and simulation. You need to have a software or PLM simulation platform that sustains modularity, Bartissol adds. With this, you can carry out configuration, define modules, interfaces and so on. This is what we are striving for. With these capabilities, you can choose your reason for retrofitting: to consume less energy, to save water, to reduce noise, to be more agile, or to be IoT capable, for instance.
Due to the current skills and worker shortages across production industries, we will see more and more automation, Bartissol predicts. We used to have very long runs in production lines but now these have shortened, meaning we need to work in a more agile mode to rapidly adapt to changes. We now see a new domain emerging called intralogistics, which is the merging of robots, AMRs, forklifts, conveyors and automated storage capabilities, among other things. All these elements are connected by a global controller PRC or MES to create wholly automated warehouse systems.
Looking to the near future, Bartissol foresees the combination of AMRs and AI to be adopted effectively in logistics centres and production lines, with humans playing their part at the beginning and end of the product development and manufacturing process, but not in the middle.
Most of this will be robots working together with human beings in a safe and optimised system, he says. The actors are transforming themselves, and we see more and more integration capabilities and layers all in one place. The ones who are investing now and investing heavily are the ones who will likely win in the future.
As Bartissol says, simulation-driven design is closely interlinked with digital twins, where engineers can model and simulate various scenarios and designs of machines in order to capture and feed data into the AI algorithms on the 3DEXPERIECE platform.
Engineers can adapt the digital twin of a machine to optimise different simulations and analyse the data, such as the event of a machine crash or failure, he explains. Through this, you can see the cause and understand how to prevent this. Also, by observing the behaviour of the equipment over time, you will be able to predict the next failure. Simulation of models helps you to not only understand the past, but also navigate into the future and improve overall equipment efficiency.
Now, some of our customers are asking us to create specific twins of each machine: an engineering twin, a manufacturing twin, and in the future a field twin. This allows the opportunity to switch to an equipment-as-a-service business model. MODSIM AI will serve not only during new product development, but also when the equipment is in operation and requires maintenance.
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Intelligent systems engineering with modelling, simulation and AI - Engineer Live
Sanitary Engineer Vinton Bacon Cleaned House in Chicago – Engineering News-Record
On a Saturday morning in the summer of 1966, Vinton Bacon, general superintendent of the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Chicago, pulled his car into a service station near his suburban home for gas and an oil check. The attendant found four sticks of dynamite wired to the cars engine. Only a faulty connection prevented them from exploding.
During the previous four years Bacon had attacked corrupt practices at the agency, earning the resentment, even hatred, of many politicians, district employees, contractors, union officials, suppliers, and a larcenous organization known in Chicago as The Syndicate, according to an ENR article. The agency managed wastewater and stormwater for Chicago and over 100 adjoining municipalities, serving five million residents, encompassing an area of 858 sq miles, with a workforce of 2,100.
During 1961, Chicago Tribune reporter George Bliss wrote a cascade of articles detailing how workers in the District were being paid for no-show jobs; about a gambling, drinking and sleeping club in one of the Districts plants; and a cover-up by the Districts personnel director. Bliss discovered and made public that the agencys payrolls were larded with more than 1,000 political and labor sponsored jobholders, while by law only 19 positions were exempt from civil service status. Bliss received the Pulitzer Prize for local reporting in 1962.
Additional reporting by Chicago newspapers and civic organizations turned up dishonest real estate deals, overpayment for electrical supplies, overpriced contracts going to friends of MSD officials, MSD engineers on the payrolls of contractors whose jobs they were supervising, unnecessary contracts, unfulfilled contracts, and responsible jobs in the hands of incompetents and criminals.
This intense exposure led Mayor Richard Daley to appoint a blue-ribbon panel of seven business, labor and civic leaders to find a new MSD general superintendent. He told the panel to offer the MSD board of trustees a slate of three candidates to choose from. After a five month search, during which they interviewed 60 candidates, the panel instead proposed one candidate instead of three: Bacon.
Bacon possessed a remarkable blend of academic stature, technical accomplishment, and managerial ability. After earning his civil engineering degree at the University of California at Berkeley, his first job was with the East Bay Municipal Utility District. At the Los Angeles County Sanitation District he conducted cost studies and analyzed treatment plant operations. During World War II he served with the U.S. Public Health Service, setting up training and contracting for typhus fever control programs in San Antonio. For six years he served as executive officer of the California State Water Pollution Control Board, doing applied research, developing statewide policy, coordinating the work of nine regional boards and testifying before state and congressional committees.
After Bacon was given the post of general superintendent in November 1962, he discovered he was being handicapped. When he tried to fire the MSD personnel chief for incompetence, Bacon found he did not have the authority to hire or fire his high-level staff members. After he pushed back, the board gave him the authority he needed. During his first three years Bacon shrank the patronage employees on the payroll from 900 to 150. He also instituted rules that slashed absenteeism by more than 30%. Contractors who failed to meet deadlines paid about $400,000 in fines (about $4 million in 2024 dollars).
In June 1966, Bacon discovered irregularities in the results of an MSD exam given to operating engineers. An investigation by an independent consultant found statistical and physical evidence of fraud. Thirty nine answer papers had been removed and replaced by other answer papers with more right answers, and the answers of four candidates with passing scores had been changed to give them failing scores. The bomb in Bacons car was found the same day news broke that the state attorney general was opening an investigation into the test rigging.
Later that same day Bacon told reporters he would be in his office the following morning and planned to continue his vigorous investigation of the rigged exams. I am not running from any investigation because someone tried to kill me, he said. A deed like this certainly indicates that were on to something that has some people badly shaken up. Police were assigned to guard Bacon, his home, and his family, including his college student daughter.
Two months after the car bomb attempt, Bacon received a letter threatening his life. He speculated that the second threat may have been triggered by his announcement that he had found evidence of fraud in the results of an earlier MSD exam for crane oilers given in 1964.
On another front the District, under Bacons prodding, filed a $10.5-million, six-count damage lawsuit against a sewer contractor for faulty work on a project completed in 1962.
In November 1966, Chicago voters showed their strong support for Bacons fight against corruption, electing all four Republican candidates on a reform slate for MSD trustee positions, defeating four Democratic incumbents who had frequently been opposed to Bacons efforts.
Bacons courageous work resulted in his being named ENRs Man of the Year (now known as the ENR Award of Excellence) in 1967. Later that year, Illinois Governor Otto Kerner signed a law giving Bacon power to appoint the agencys purchasing agent, personnel chief, attorney, clerk and director of research and development, taking these powers away from the trustees. But battles between Bacon and the old guard persisted, culminating in their firing him in 1970.
Bacons obituary in the Chicago Tribune in 1997 quoted his son Donn: An Illinois State Senate commission found that his firing had been unjust and improperly carried out. He was further vindicated when several of the trustees responsible for his firing were indicted on criminal charges.
Bacon went on to teach civil engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.
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Sanitary Engineer Vinton Bacon Cleaned House in Chicago - Engineering News-Record