Category Archives: Engineering

Three KU professors of chemistry, economics and engineering named AAAS fellows | KU News – The University of Kansas

LAWRENCE Three University of Kansas professors have been elected as 2023 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) fellows, a distinct honor within the scientific community.

This years fellows:

The 2023 class of AAAS fellows includes 502 scientists, engineers and researchers across many disciplines. The fellows are recognized for their scientifically and socially distinguished achievements.

"I want to congratulate Professor Bowman-James, Professor Ginther and Professor Subramaniam on this prestigious honor, Chancellor Douglas A. Girod said. These three researchers have demonstrated true excellence in their fields and have done so in a way that reflects well on our entire university. As one of the nations leading research institutions, KU strives to make discoveries that change the world and these three scholars are helping us fulfill that mission every day.

Bowman-James was recognized forsignificant contributions to supramolecular anion coordination chemistry, advancing diversity and inclusion in the chemical sciences, and service to the research enterprise in Kansas.

Her research involves the strategic design of organized molecular frameworks as selective receptors for anions, as well as potential ligands for transition metal ions work with the potential to meet challenges like nuclear waste site cleanup and depletion of the worlds available phosphorus reserves.

Bowman-James joined KU's chemistry department in 1975 after earning a bachelor's degree and doctorate from Temple University and completing a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Ohio State University.

Ginther was recognized for distinguished contributions to the understanding of scientific labor markets and gender differences in employment, particularly in academia, and children's educational outcomes.

She is best known for studying gender, race and ethnicity differences in the sciences and academia. In 2011 and 2018, Ginther published papers showing significant racial disparities in funding from the National Institutes of Health, which later became known as the Ginther gap. This led to the creation of a task force and mentoring program at the agency to address these disparities.

Ginther earned a bachelors degree and doctorate in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to joining KU in 2002, she served as a research economist and associate policy adviser at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and taught at Washington University and Southern Methodist University.

Subramaniam was recognized for seminal contributions in sustainable catalysis and engineering research via publications of high impact, licensed technologies and professional leadership, including the founding of KUs Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis.

Subramaniam has invented technologies to reduce the carbon footprint of chemical processes used to make products for everyday life, such as plastics, pharmaceuticals, detergents and adhesives. Many of these technologies employ plant-based biomass and end-of-life plastics as feedstocks to promote a circular economy. Several chemical companies collaborate with Subramaniam and CEBC to implement sustainable technologies that minimize adverse impacts on the environment and human health.

Subramaniam earned a bachelors in chemical engineering from the A.C. College of Technology, Chennai, India, and a doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Notre Dame. He also has held visiting professorships at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, and Institute of Process Engineering, ETH Zrich, Switzerland.

Including the three new honorees, KU now has 31 AAAS fellows as active faculty members across all its campuses.

To become a fellow, a researcher must be nominated by either one of the AAASs 24 steering groups, the organizations CEO or three previously elected fellows, so long as two of those three fellows are not from the nominees institution. The nomination is referred to a relevant steering committee, which sends a list of finalists to the AAAS Council for selection.

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Three KU professors of chemistry, economics and engineering named AAAS fellows | KU News - The University of Kansas

SME Education Foundation Expands Manufacturing and Engineering Opportunities to 15K Additional Michigan Students – eSchool News

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) More Michigan students will have access to new advanced manufacturing technology and training through the SME Education Foundations SME PRIME program, due to an expansion of the public-private partnership between the Foundation and the State of Michigan to bolster the states manufacturing talent pipeline.

SME PRIMEs expansion to 16 new high schools brings the number of SME PRIME schools in Michigan to 50, casting a wide net of exposure and access for youth to relevant hands-on manufacturing and engineering educational experiences.

Currently, there are over 620,000 manufacturing positions unfilled in the United States. This shortage is projected to grow to 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030. SME PRIME helps address this critical shortage by providing schools with tailored project-based learning programs that meet the needs of local manufacturers.

SME PRIME paves the way for students to develop specialized skills in advanced manufacturing and puts them on a career path to make a livable wage right here in Michigan, said SME Education Foundation Vice President Rob Luce. We thank the state of Michigan for their partnership and trust in us to inspire, prepare, and support the next generation of manufacturing and engineering talent.

Informed by private industry, SME PRIME (Partnership Response In Manufacturing Education) builds custom manufacturing and engineering programs in high schools across the country, providing equipment, curriculum, teacher training, student scholarships, and funding for extracurricular activities and program sustainability. SME PRIME is tailored to meet the needs of local manufacturers and is aligned with 40 industry recognized credentials and certifications. SME PRIME is located in 110 schools across 23 states, serving 10,000 students, and 91% of SME PRIME seniors pursue manufacturing post-graduation.

The 16 additional Michigan schools introducing SME PRIME to their students this year include:

No matter who you are, where you come from or what community youre in, its important to have the tools to prepare you for your career and that is what SME PRIME ensures, said Michigan Speaker of the House, Joe Tate. The legislature is proud to support the State of Michigans manufacturing community and future leaders.

The SME Education Foundation works closely with the Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA) to facilitate manufacturer participation in the assessment of local workforce needs and subsequently, the development of SME PRIME curriculum.

This expansion of the SME PRIME program benefits Michigan manufacturers, said John Walsh, President and CEO of the MMA. Our manufacturing partners need ambitious, creative, and prepared young people ready to join the advanced manufacturing workforce. We are proud to advocate for our manufacturing partners and to be a key contributor to expanding SME PRIME in Michigan.


SME PRIME partners private industry with academia to build custom manufacturing and engineering programs in high schools across the country, providing equipment, curriculum, teacher training, student scholarships, and funding for extra-curricular activities and program sustainability. SME PRIME is tailored to meet the needs of local manufacturers and is aligned with over 40 industry recognized certifications. SME PRIME is located in 110 schools across 23 states, serving 10,000 students, and 91% of PRIME seniors pursue manufacturing post-graduation.

About the SME Education Foundation

As the philanthropic arm of SME, the SME Education Foundation inspires, prepares, and supports the next generation of manufacturing and engineering talent. Established in 1979, the Foundation works to expose youth to modern manufacturing technologies, train students on relevant manufacturing processes, and award millions of dollars in scholarships annually. All Foundation programming seeks to empower youth to consider and pursue careers in manufacturing and engineering and increase engagement with historically underrepresented populations to help diversify the manufacturing industry. We continue to inspire, prepare and support the next generation of manufacturing and engineering talent now as many as 12,000 students every year. Visit smeef.organd follow the SME Education Foundation on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

About SME

Established in 1932 as a nonprofit organization, SME represents the entire North American manufacturing industry, including manufacturers, academia, professionals, students, and the communities in which they operate. We believe manufacturing holds the key to economic growth and prosperity, and champion the industrys potential as a diverse, thriving, and valued ecosystem. SME accelerates new technology adoption and builds North Americas talent and capabilities to advance manufacturing and drive competitiveness, resiliency, and national security. SME designs new ways to understand and solve problems, and our solutions advance the next wave of growth in manufacturing. Learn more at

eSchool Media staff cover education technology in all its aspectsfrom legislation and litigation, to best practices, to lessons learned and new products. First published in March of 1998 as a monthly print and digital newspaper, eSchool Media provides the news and information necessary to help K-20 decision-makers successfully use technology and innovation to transform schools and colleges and achieve their educational goals.

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SME Education Foundation Expands Manufacturing and Engineering Opportunities to 15K Additional Michigan Students - eSchool News

Steven Barrett appointed Regius Professor of Engineering – University of Cambridge news

Professor Steven Barrett has been appointed Regius Professor of Engineering at the University of Cambridge, effective 1 June. He joins the University from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he is head of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AeroAstro).

Barretts appointment marks his return to Cambridge, where he was an undergraduate at Pembroke College, and received his PhD. He was a Lecturer in the Department of Engineering from 2008 until 2010, when he joined the faculty at MIT.

The Regius Professorships are royal academic titles created by the monarch. The Regius Professorship in Engineering was announced in 2011, in honour of HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburghs 35 years as Chancellor of the University.

Its a pleasure to welcome Steven back to Cambridge to take up one of the Universitys most prestigious roles, said Vice-Chancellor Professor Deborah Prentice. His work on sustainable aviation will build on Cambridges existing strengths, and will help us develop the solutions we need to address the threat posed by climate change.

Barretts research focuses on the impact aviation has on the environment. He has developed a number of solutions to mitigate the impact aviation has on air quality, climate, and noise pollution. The overall goal of his research is to help develop technologies that eliminate the environmental impact of aviation. His work on the first-ever plane with no moving propulsion parts was named one of the 10 Breakthroughs of 2018 by Physics World.

This is an exciting time to work on sustainable aviation, and Cambridge, as well as the UK more generally, is a wonderful platform to advance that, said Barrett. Cambridges multidisciplinary Department of Engineering, as well as the platform that the Regius Professorship provides, makes this a great opportunity. Ive learned a lot at MIT, but Id always hoped to come back to Cambridge at some point.

Much of Barretts research focuses on the elimination of contrails, line-shaped clouds produced by aircraft engine exhaust in cold and humid conditions. Contrails cause half of all aviation-related global warming more than the entirety of the UK economy. Barrett uses a combination of satellite observation and machine learning techniques to help determine whether avoiding certain regions of airspace could reduce or eliminate contrail formation.

It will take several years to make this work, but if it does, it could drastically reduce emissions at a very low cost to the consumer, said Barrett. We could make the UK the first Blue Skies country in the world the first without any contrails in the sky.

Stevens pioneering work on contrail formation and avoidance is a key element in reducing the environmental impact of aviation, and will strengthen the UKs position as a world leader in this area, said Professor Colm Durkan, Head of Cambridges Department of Engineering. Together with Stevens work on alternative aviation propulsion systems, this will strengthen Cambridges vision of helping us all achieve net zero at an accelerated rate.

In addition to the Professorship in Engineering, there are seven other Regius Professorships at Cambridge: Divinity, Hebrew, Greek, Civil Law and Physic (all founded by Henry VIII in 1540), History (founded by George I in 1724) and Botany (founded in 2009, to mark the Universitys 800th anniversary).

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Steven Barrett appointed Regius Professor of Engineering - University of Cambridge news

Engineering a synthetic gene circuit for high-performance inducible expression in mammalian systems –

In silico design and analysis of synthetic circuits for high-performance inducible gene expression

Among the potential gene network motifs, we focussed on those that may yield reduced leakiness levels14. We thus mathematically modelled and compared three alternative circuit topologies for inducible gene expression as shown in Fig.1b, against the nave configuration (NC): (i) the coherent feedforward loop type 4 (CFFL-4)15; (ii) the mutual inhibition (MI) topology14; and (iii) a combination of these two topologies that we named Coherent Inhibitory Loop (CIL). All these circuits make use of an additional species Y to inhibit the reporter gene Z in the absence of the inducer molecule, thereby suppressing leaky expression. We used ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems theory to analyse the performance of these three networks, assuming realistic biological parts (Supplementary Note1).

Analytical results and numerical simulations of the circuits, when using the very same parameters for the common biological parts, confirmed that all three exhibit improved performances over the nave configuration, in terms of lower leakiness, high maximum expression, and increased fold induction, as reported in Fig.1c-e and Supplementary Note1, albeit with notable differences. In the CFFL-4, the leakiness is smaller than the one of the NC thanks to the inhibitory action of Y over Z, in the absence of the inducer molecule (Fig.1c); however, as X does not fully repress Y upon inducer molecule treatment, the maximal expression of Z is also smaller (Fig.1d), thus leading to only a modest increase in Fold Induction (Fig.1e). The MI improves on the CFFL-4 in terms of maximum expression (Fig.1d), as Y is now repressed also by Z in addition to X. The CIL combines the advantages of both circuits, and it exhibits the best performance as compared to the NC configuration in terms of all the three features, as shown in Fig.1c-e. To further explore the robustness of these findings, we conducted additional numerical simulations by varying the models parameters, whose results are shown in Fig.1f and Supplementary Note1. For all the parameter values tested, the CIL circuit exhibited the best performance whereas the CFFL-4 was the worst. Based on these analyses, we decided not to biologically implement a CFFL-4 system and instead focused on the biological implementation of the MI and CIL circuits.

To experimentally implement mutual inhibition (Fig.2a), we looked for a biological implementation that was compact and could be applied to any gene of interest Z. We thus turned to CRISPR-Cas endoribonucleases which have been recently repurposed to act as post-transcriptional regulators by exploiting their pre-gRNA processing mechanisms16. Indeed, CRISPR-endoribonucleases can cleave specific short sequences known as direct repeats (DRs) on their cognate pre-gRNAs, generating shorter guide RNA (gRNA) sequences; hence, these DRs have been repurposed as cleavage motifs to stabilize or degrade user-defined mRNA transcripts by placing them in the mRNA untranslated regions (UTRs)16. Specifically, in our implementation shown in Fig.2a, we employed the CasRx endoribonuclease to implement species Y, while species Z is the Gaussia Luciferase (gLuc) reporter gene bearing the DR sequence in its 3UTR. Because of the CasRxs distinctive feature of irreversibly bind its processed gRNA17, we reasoned that this configuration could implement a mutual inhibition between species Y and Z. Here, Y is able to negatively regulate Z, as the CasRx cleaves the DR in the 3UTR of the gLuc mRNA thus leading to the loss of its polyA tail and subsequent degradation; at the same time, we assumed that Z could be able to inhibit Y by sponging out the CasRx, which irreversibly binds to the DR and it is thus unable to cleave additional Z mRNAs.

a Experimental implementation of the mutual inhibition. CasRx acts as species Y. The Gaussia Luciferase (gLuc) with a Direct Repeat (DR) in the 3Untranslated Region (UTR) acts as species Z. CasRx binds to the DR and cleaves the polyA tail (AAA) of the gLuc mRNA leading to its degradation, thus achieving Y-mediated repression of Z. Following cleavage, the CasRx irreversibly binds to the DR forming the gRNA-Cas binary complex which cannot cleave additional mRNAs, thus possibly implementing the Z-mediated repression of Y. b Experimental validation of CasRx-mediated mRNA degradation. Cells were transfected with CasRx and gLuc plasmids at the indicated relative concentrations. The bar-plot reports the mean Relative Luciferase in arbitrary units (A.U.) obtained by dividing the average Luciferase A.U. value at each molar ratio by the average Luciferase A.U. value in the absence of CasRx. Error bars correspond to the standard deviation. n=4 biological replicates (white dots). c CASwitch v.1.: rtTA3G and CasRx are constitutively expressed from the pCMV promoter, while gLuc with the DR is placed downstream of the pTRE3G promoter. d, e Experimental validation of CASwitch v.1 (red) and comparison with the Tet-On3G expression system (black) at the indicated concentrations of doxycycline. n=4 biological replicates. Relative Luciferase A.U. is computed as the Luciferase A.U. value of each data point divided by the average value of the Tet-On3G system at 1000ng/mL, in both log-scale and linear-scale, and in (e) as fold-induction computed as the Luciferase A.U of each data point divided by the average value in the absence of doxycycline. f The CASwitch v.2: rtTA3G is constitutively expressed from a pCMV promoter, CasRx is driven by the pCMV/TO that can be repressed by the rtTA3G, while the gLuc with the DR is placed downstream of the pTRE3G promoter. g, h Experimental validation of CASwitch v.2 (green) and comparison with the state-of-the-art Tet-On3G gene expression system (black) at the indicated concentrations of doxycycline. n=4 biological replicates. MI: Mutual Inhibition circuit topology; CIL: Coherent Inhibitory Loop circuit topology. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

To experimentally test this hypothesis, we co-transfected HEK293T cells with CasRx along with one of three different gLuc transcript variants, as reported in Fig.2b. These variants bear different numbers of DR motifs at their 3 UTR: either no DR motif, one DR motif, or four DR motifs (4xDR). Our rationale was that by introducing more than one DR motif, we could sponge CasRx more effectively and thus alleviate repression of the target gLuc mRNA. Indeed in this scenario, one gLuc-4xDR mRNA should able to bind four CasRx, rather than only one, as in the case of the gLuc-DR. Results are shown in Fig.2b: in the absence of CasRx, all the three gLuc transcripts yield the same luciferase expression level, independently of the number of DRs in their 3UTR, thus excluding perturbations of mRNA stability caused by the DR itself. In the case of the gLuc-DR transcript (with one DR), the relative increase in the amount of co-transfected CasRx resulted in an exponential decrease in luciferase expression, with up to 100-fold reduction in luminescence. On the contrary, for the gLuc-4xDR, the CasRx repression efficiency was strongly reduced, thus supporting the hypothesis of a DR-mediated sponging of CasRx, although we cannot exclude alternative mechanisms. Encouraged by these results, we sought to implement the MI circuit using the CasRx endoribonuclease, developing the CASwitch v.1 system, as shown in Fig.2c.

We chose as species X the tetracycline transactivator (rtTA3G) transcriptional factor, which is a fusion protein that combines a tetracycline-responsive DNA-binding domain with a strong transcriptional activation domain13. In the presence of the doxycycline, rtTA3G binds to multiple copies of the tetracycline operon (TO) sequence present in its cognate pTRE3G synthetic promoter, thereby inducing the expression of the downstream gene of interest18. In the CASwitch v.1 system, both the CasRx and the rtTA3G are constitutively expressed from the CMV promoter, while the gLuc harbours one DR in its 3UTR and it is placed downstream of the pTRE3G promoter, as schematically shown in Fig.2c.

We experimentally compared the performances of the CASwitch v.1 and the Tet-On3G by transiently transfecting HEK293T cells with three plasmids: (1) the pCMV-rtTA3G, (2) the pTRE3G-gLuc-DR for the CASwitch v.1, or the pTRE3G-gLuc for the Tet-On3G, and (3) the pCMV-CasRx at a relative molar ratio of 1:5:1. Observe that for the Tet-On3G system, the gLuc has no DR in its 3UTR, but we co-transfected the CasRx anyway to exclude potential biases caused by cellular burden. We then quantified gLuc expression by luminescence measurements at varying concentrations of doxycycline. Results are reported in Fig.2d-e and demonstrate that the CASwitch v.1, in the absence of doxycycline, strongly reduces leaky gene expression by >1-log when compared to the Tet-On3G system (Fig.2d); at the same time, the maximal expression upon doxycycline treatment was only slightly reduced (Fig.2d). Notably, the reduced leakiness and the retention of high maximal expression resulted in a very significant gain in terms of fold-induction by more than 1-log (Fig.2e).

To further evaluate the robustness of the CASwitch v.1 system, we repeated the same experiments at higher relative concentrations of CasRx, as reported in Supplementary Fig.1. This resulted in a further suppression of leakiness, but also in a reduction of the maximal achievable expression, suggesting that controlling CasRx expression is an important design parameter to achieve the desired inducible system properties.

Overall, our results demonstrate that the constitutively expressed CasRx, combined with its cognate direct repeat (DR) in the 3UTR of a target mRNA, can serve as a plug-and-play strategy to significantly enhance the performance of transcriptional inducible gene expression systems.

We set out to further enhance the performances of the CASwitch v.1 by specifically focusing on the increase in the maximal achievable expression upon doxycycline treatment. To this end, guided by the modelling results in Fig.1b, we sought to biologically implement the CIL circuit by replacing the constitutive pCMV promoter driving the CasRx with a modified version, named pCMV/TO, as shown in Fig.2f. The pCMV/TO promoter has two TO sequences downstream of the TATA binding box of the pCMV19, hence, upon doxycycline administration, rtTA3G binds to these elements and causes a steric hindrance to the PolII resulting in a partial repression of CasRx transcription. We first confirmed the effective doxycycline-dependent inhibition of the pCMV/TO promoter (Supplementary Fig.2). Subsequently, we verified that switching the pCMV promoter with the pCMV/TO promoter did not affect CasRx expression and its effect on its downstream target (Supplementary Fig.3). Finally, we proved that the pCMV/TO enables doxycycline-mediated repression of CasRx expression and relief of CasRx-mediated degradation of the target mRNA (Supplementary Fig.4).

We thus leveraged the pCMV/TO-mediated transcriptional control of the CasRx to implement the CASwitch v.2, as shown in Fig.2f, and we experimentally compared its performances to that of Tet-On3G system. Results are reported in Fig.2g,h in terms of luciferase expression at varying concentrations of doxycycline. The CASwitch v.2 exhibited more than 1-log reduction in leakiness compared to the art Tet-On3G system, yielding results similar to those obtained with the CASwitch v.1 (Fig.2g); this time, however, in agreement with the in silico analysis, it was able to fully recover the maximal achievable expression to the level of the original Tet-On3G (Fig.2g), thus leading to a very large amplification of fold induction levels of up to 3000-fold (Fig.2h).

To assess the robustness of CASwitch v.2, we tested its performance against that of state of the art Tet-On3G system by: (i) changing the plasmid molar ratio among the circuit components; (ii) testing it in a different mammalian cell line; and (iii) changing the promoter that drives the rtTA3G.

Results on the performance against changes in plasmid molar ratios are presented in Supplementary Fig.5. Different amounts of plasmids can affect basal and induced levels of gene expression; hence one may presume that the Tet-On3G system performance could be improved by simply changing the plasmid ratios. Interestingly, the CASwitch v.2 (red and blue lines in Supplementary Fig.5b,c) maintains its enhanced performance over the Tet-On3G system (yellow and green lines) independently of the plasmid ratio used.

Results on the performance of the CASwitch v.2 in HeLa cells are shown in Supplementary Fig.6a-b, where it is evident that it retains its improved performance over the Tet-On3G system, consistently with the results observed in HEK293T cells.

Results on the impact of replacing the pCMV promoter driving rtTA3G in the CASwitch v.2 system with two alternative promoters with lower expression strengths (pEF1a and pPGK) are shown in Supplementary Fig.7. In the cases tested, the CASwitch v.2 exhibited a better performance versus the Tet-On3G system by exhibiting a lower leakiness while maintaining the maximal expression (Supplementary Fig.7b) thus leading to a higher fold induction (Supplementary Fig.7c), with a slight decrease in performance for the weakest pPGK promoter. Notably, the use of the pEF1a yielded the highest fold induction, hence we chose to express the rtTA3G from this promoter in following experimental applications of the CASwitch v.2.

Overall, these results confirm that the CASwitch v.2 represents a general strategy to endow transcriptional inducible gene expression system with very low leakiness but with unaltered maximal expression, hence resulting in very large gain in fold induction.

As the CASwitch v.2 greatly enhances the fold induction levels of the Tet-On3G inducible gene expression system, we decided to deploy it to increase the performance of established transcription-based biosensors20. As a case in point, we deployed the CASwitch v.2 to improve the performance of a previously published copper biosensor20 in mammalian cells, as shown in Fig.3a. In this biosensor, a luciferase reporter gene is placed downstream of a synthetic metal-responsive promoter (pMRE). This promoter is bound by the endogenous metal response element binding transcription factor 1 (MTF-1)21 in the presence of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), or cadmium (Cd) driving expression of the downstream reporter gene. As most biosensors, this configuration has several limitations, including low expression of the reporter gene and a narrow dynamic range, defined as the ratio between the maximum achievable biosensor response and its leakiness (Fig.3b, cblue line). To address these limitations, we modified the CASwitch v.2 system by replacing the pCMV promoter driving the expression of rtTA3G, with the metal-responsive promoter pMRE, as shown in Fig.3a, with the goal of simultaneously enhancing the copper biosensors absolute expression and amplifying its dynamic range.

a Schematics of three alternative experimental implementations of a copper biosensor. Upon copper administration, the endogenous MTF-1 transcription factor binds its cognate synthetic promoter pMRE that either directly drives expression of Firefly Luciferase (fLuc) expression (pMRE Biosensor), or drives expression of the rtTA3G transactivator, which in turn induces the expression of the fLuc through the pTRE3G in the presence of doxycycline (Tet-On3G Biosensor). In the CASwitch v.2 Biosensor, the pMRE promoter drives expression of the rtTA3G, which in turn induces expression of the fLuc harbouring a DR and inhibits expression of the CasRx through the pCMV/TO promoter. b,c Experimental validation of the three biosensors at the indicated concentrations of copper chloride in HEK293T cells. Firefly luciferase (fLuc) expression was evaluated by luminescence measurements and normalised to Renilla firefly (rLuc) luminescence. Fold-induction in (c) is obtained by dividing each data point by the average luciferase expression in the absence of copper. n=4 biological replicates, albeit for CuCl2 equal to 25uM which shows 3 replicates. MTF-1: metal-responsive transcription factor 1; pMRE: synthetic metal responsive promoter; DR: direct repeat sequence; rtTA3G: reverse tetracycline TransActivator 3G; pTRE3G: Tetracycline Responsive Element promoter 3G; pCMV/TO: modified CMV promoter with two Tetracycline Operon (TO) sequences. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the CASwitch v.2 plug-in strategy, we compared it to an additional biosensor configuration as shown in Fig.3a, where the pMRE promoter drives the expression of the rtTA3G transcription factor, which in turn drives expression of fLuc from the pTRE3G promoter. This configuration, in the presence of doxycycline, effectively implements a transcriptional amplification of the reporter gene expression, which however should not improve the dynamic range as both leaky and maximal gene expression should increase.

We evaluated the expression of fLuc from the three configurations at increasing concentrations of copper and at a fixed concentration of doxycycline. Results are reported in Fig.3b,c: the standard copper biosensor exhibited considerable leakiness and low levels of reporter gene expression even at high copper concentrations, thus resulting in a low signal-to-noise ratio with a maximum induction of only 10-fold. The second configuration with the rtTA3G resulted in a significant increase in luciferase expression levels at all copper concentrations, however, as expected, it did not lead to dynamic range amplification, as it also increased the leaky reporter expression in the absence of copper. Conversely, the CASwitch v.2 configuration effectively reduced leakiness in the absence of copper, while achieving higher luciferase expression than that of the standard copper biosensor (Fig.3b). This resulted in a large increase in the biosensors signal-to-noise ratio with a maximum induction of up to 100-fold, hence 1-log more than the other two configurations(Fig. 3c). Of note, the CASwitch v.2 yielded higher fold-induction levels at four times lower copper concentration, thus also enhancing its sensitivity. Taken together, these findings support the application of the CASwitch v.2 system to improve the efficacy of existing transcriptional-based biosensors that experience limitations in terms of a narrow dynamic range. The expansion of the biosensors dynamic range through the integration of CASwitch v.2 will yield a more sensitive and reliable biosensor, capable of detecting lower concentrations of the analyte with increased confidence.

We investigated the application of the CASwitch v.2 system in tightly controlling the expression of toxic genes, this feature is very useful for some industrial applications such as recombinant protein production, where the unintended accumulation of the protein of interest due to leakiness impairs host cell viability and lowers production yields (e.g, viral proteins). As a proof-of-principle, we used the CASwitch v.2 system to express the Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase-1 (HSV-TK), which exerts cytotoxic effects in the presence of nucleotide analogues such as ganciclovir (GCV)22. To this end, as shown in Fig.4a, we added a Direct Repeat in the 3UTR of the HSV-TK gene and placed it downstream of the pTRE3G promoter in the CASwitch v.2 circuit. We then evaluated cell viability in the presence of ganciclovir, either with or without doxycycline and compared it to the one obtained by using the state-of-the-art Tet-On3G gene expression system. To account for cytotoxic effects associated with transfection, we co-transfected cells with a non-coding plasmid in the Mock condition, against which all other cell viability measurements were normalized to. Furthermore, constitutive expression of HSV-TK provided a reference for the maximum achievable toxicity. Results are reported in Fig.4b, c and show no cytotoxic effects for the CASwitch v.2 system in the absence of doxycycline. In contrast, the Tet-On3G system exhibited high cell toxicity, resulting in ~50% cell death in the absence of doxycycline. These findings confirm that the CASwitch v.2 system has very low leakiness, highlighting its efficacy in controlling toxic genes expression.

a Three alternative constructs to express the cytotoxic HSV-TK gene. pCMV-HSV-TK: positive control, with constitutive expression of HSV-TK. Tet-On3G: the constitutively expressed rtTA3G induces the cytotoxic HSV-TK gene harbouring a DR in its 3UTR, binding to pTRE3G in the presence of doxycycline. CASwitch v.2: the same as the Tet-On3G but for the presence of the CasRx downstream of the pCMV/TO. b Viability of HEK293T cells transfected with the indicated constructs and grown in the presence of ganciclovir. Mock transfected cells represent the negative control. Cell viability is reported as a percentage of the viability of mock transfected cells in the absence of doxycycline. The error bars represent the mean and standard deviation of biological replicates across two independent experiments (n=9). Statistical analysis with ANOVA (one-tailed) after determining equal or unequal variances by DAgostino & Pearson test (****P-value<0.0001) c Crystal violet staining of transfected HEK293T cells to highlight viable cells. d Plasmids required for AAV production. Two alternative experimental implementations for inducible expression of the Helper genes using either the Tet-On3G system or the CASwitch v.2 are also shown. e Assay for testing AAV vector inducible production yield by means of viral transduction. Created with Biorender. f, g Flow cytometry of cells transduced with cell lysates of HEK293T cells transfected with the indicated configurations. At least 10,000 cells were analysed for each point. The bar-plot in (g) reports, for each experimental condition, the mean value of the percentage of transduced cells across of biological replicates fortwo independent experiments (n=6) with error bars corresponding to the standard deviation. Statistical analysis by ANOVA (one-tailed), after determining equal or unequal variances by DAgostino & Pearson test (****P-value<0.0001). HSV-TK: Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase; AAV: Adeno-Associated Virus; E2A(DBP): Early 2A DNA Binding Protein gene; E4(Orf6): Early 4 Open reading frame 6 gene; VaRNA-I: Viral associated RNA-I; Rep: AAV-2 Replication genes; Cap: AAV-2 Capsid genes. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) vectors have emerged as highly promising tools for in-vivo gene therapy in clinical applications23. However, current large-scale industrial bioproduction face challenges in terms of efficiency and scalability, as it mainly relies on transient transfection of HEK293 cell lines24,25. Attempts to develop more scalable systems, such as AAV producer cell lines with stable integration of inducible gene systems to control the expression of viral genes, have been hampered by the toxicity associated with leaky expression of viral genes26,27,28,29,30. In this context, the CASwitch v.2 expression system may offer a reliable solution having the ability to significantly reduce leakiness while maintaining high levels of maximal achievable expression.

As shown in Fig.4d, transient triple transfection manufacturing of AAV vectors requires three plasmids: (i) a Transgene plasmid encoding the desired transcriptional unit to be packaged, (ii) a Packaging plasmid, and (iii) a Helper plasmid. The Packaging plasmid in our implementation carries the wild-type AAV2 Rep and Cap genes, while the Helper plasmid contains the E2A, E4, and VA RNAI genes derived from Human Adenovirus 5 (HAdV-5)31. As the HAdV-5 genes are polycistronic and expressed from distinct promoters, we first determined the minimal set of viral genes necessary for AAV vector production. Previous studies have shown that the E2A(DBP) and E4(Orf6) coding sequences, along with the VARNA-I ncRNA, are essential for AAV vector production32. Therefore, we designed constructs expressing E2A(DBP) and E4(Orf6) as a single transcript by means of two alternative strategies: the EMCV-IRES33 or P2A-skipping ribosome sequence34. By interchanging the positions of E2A(DBP) and E4(Orf6) in the bicistronic transcriptional units, we generated four different Adenovirus Helper plasmids (named Helper, pAH1-4) about half the size of the original plasmid, as reported in Supplementary Fig.8a. We compared these constructs by quantifying AAV production yield through quantitative PCR (qPCR). All Helper plasmids led to AAV production, albeit to a lesser extent than the full-length Helper plasmid. Among these, the pAH-3 plasmid (pCMV-E2A[DBP]-IRES-E4[Orf6]) exhibited the highest yields, as shown in Supplementary Fig.8b. We attributed the lower production yield to the absence of the VaRNA-I ncRNA. Indeed, co-transfection of VaRNA-I along with puH-3 restored production efficacy (Supplementary Fig.9).

To achieve inducible expression of the Helper genes using the CASwitch v.2 system, we introduced the direct repeat (DR) element into the 3 untranslated region (UTR) of the E2A(DBP)-IRES-E4(Orf6) cassette and placed it downstream of pTRE3G (p3G-AH3-DR), as depicted in Fig.4d. We then qualitatively assessed the capability of theCASwitch v.2 system in controlling expression of helper genes for inducible AAV vector production in the context of transient triple transfection manufacturing and compared it to that of the state-of-the-art Tet-On3G system. Specifically, we employed EGFP as the transgene for generating AAV vectors, with fluorescence quantification in transduced cells serving as a qualitative indirect measure of production yields (Fig.4e). We assessed production yields both in the presence and absence of doxycycline, providing a qualitative evaluation of the Tet-On3G and the CASwitch v.2 systems performance in AAV vector production, as reported in Fig.4e-g. Infection results confirmed that when controlling Helper genes expression with the Tet-On3G system, viral production occurred even in the absence of doxycycline, because of leaky expression of the viral Helper genes. Conversely, when controlling Helper genes with the CASwitch v.2 system, there was a significative reduction in AAV production in the absence of doxycycline, as measured by the percentage of infected cell, while maintaining high production yields in its presence. Despite viral production not being completely shut off, this proof-of-principle experiment shows that with proper fine-tuning, the CASwitch v.2 system could represent an effective solution to prevent unintended toxic viral gene expression, thus paving the way for the development of inducible AAV producer cell lines.

Read the original here:

Engineering a synthetic gene circuit for high-performance inducible expression in mammalian systems -

Cloud engineering could be a "painkiller" for global warming, study led by University of Birmingham finds –

Spraying particles into the marine atmosphere can increase cloud cover and have a cooling effect. Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash. Kerry Taylor-Smith 19/04/2024 15:10 5 min

Marine cloud brightening (MCB) also known as cloud engineering involves spraying tiny particles or aerosols into the marine atmosphere where they mix with clouds. These aerosols help to increase the cloud cover and consequently, the amount of sunlight clouds can reflect, having an overall cooling effect.

The climate intervention could be a painkiller, rather than a solution, for global warming say scientists accounting for 69-90% of the cooling effect, much more than previously thought. Their study has been published in Nature Geoscience.

MCB has garnered much information in recent years; it could help offset the effects of anthropogenic global warming and help buy some time while the global economy decarbonises. Although previous models estimating the cooling effects of MCB focussed on the ability of aerosol injection to produce a brightening effect on the cloud, just how MCB works to create a cooling effect and how clouds respond to aerosols is poorly understood.

Researchers, led by the University of Birmingham, investigated this phenomenon by creating a "natural experiment" using aerosol injection from the effusive eruption of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii to study the interactions between these natural aerosols, clouds and climate.

They utilised machine learning and historic satellite and meteorological data to create a predictor to show how the cloud would behave during periods when the volcano was inactive, which in turn helped them to clearly identify the direct impacts of volcanic aerosols on the clouds.

They found cloud cover increased by up to 50% during the periods of volcanic activity, producing a cooling effect of up to -10 W m-2 regionally (global heating and cooling is measured in watts per square metre, with a negative figure indicating cooling).

Our findings show that marine cloud brightening could be more effective as a climate intervention than climate models have suggested previously, says lead author, Dr Ying Chen of the University of Birmingham. Of course, while it could be useful, MCB does not address the underlying causes of global warming from greenhouse gases produced by human activity.

It should therefore be regarded as a "painkiller", rather than a solution, and we must continue to improve fundamental understanding of aerosols impacts on clouds, further research on global impacts and risks of MCB, and search for ways to decarbonise human activities, Chen concludes.

This work adds to the growing evidence that current climate models may underestimate the impact of aerosols on clouds as they dont seem to have a strong enough response, says Professor Jim Haywood, from the University of Exeter and the Met Office Hadley Centre. More aerosols seem to result in a larger cloud fraction, which cools the climate more than the models predict.

Haywood says marine cloud brightening could be more effective than previously thought: However, there is still so much that we dont understand about aerosol-cloud interactions meaning that further investigations are imperative.

Experiments using the technique are already underway in Australia in an attempt to reduce bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, while a team from the University of Washington recently conducted its first outdoor aerosol experiment from a decommissioned aircraft carrier in Alameda, California.

News reference

Chen, Y., Haywood, J., Wang, Y. et al. (2024) Substantial cooling effect from aerosol-induced increase in tropical marine cloud cover. Nature Geoscience.

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Cloud engineering could be a "painkiller" for global warming, study led by University of Birmingham finds -

Your Engineering Organization Is too Expensive – The New Stack

As central banks worldwide embark on a crusade against inflation, there’s still a lot of uncertainty about the state of the global economy and where prices (and costs) will go from here.

Engineering organizations are facing increased operating expenses (OpEx) on multiple fronts. Cloud costs are growing across all major providers, with Azure and Microsoft Cloud raising prices 15% year-over-year (YoY) in 2023. And that’s not to mention if your technical estate is running on VMware, which reportedly has raised prices between 600% and 1000% since the Broadcom acquisition. These increases compound the issues created by cloud native toolchains that over the past decade grew more complex, more disjointed and more expensive.

At the same time, salary data and talent retention policies are sending mixed signals. While salary increases are no longer accelerating at the pace we saw back in 2021, engineering compensation packages (especially for senior engineers) are still outpacing inflation, with Kubernetes engineers’ salaries growing 10–15% YoY in 2023.

According to Gartner, most employees in the cloud industry estimate they can earn 11% more by simply switching jobs, and they “actually might be underestimating their increased earning potential.” In contrast, Gartner also reports (subscription required):

“35% of organizations say their 2024 merit increase budgets will remain unchanged from 2023, while 19% plan to decrease or have already decreased their budgets. Only 11% of organizations say that they will increase their merit budgets for 2024. Employees, on the other hand, are expecting an increase of over 7%. This is a potential source for disappointment as most employees will expect their increase to match inflation.”

Retaining top talent and balancing salary expectations, while simultaneously addressing the growing complexity of toolchains and cloud bills that can quickly get out of control, are painting a challenging picture for executives in any industry.

What to do? Do you cut headcount and if so, where? Can you afford to consolidate your toolchain and at what price? How much can you save on your cloud bill? How do you retain top talent that will make the difference in growing your overall productivity and market share?

Platform engineering has taken the engineering and cloud native world by storm in the last two years. All major analysts are calling it a key trend in 2024 and years to come, with Gartner forecasting that “80% of all enterprises will have a platform engineering initiative in place by 2026.”

There are good reasons why platform engineering is hyped, and it might very well be the solution that so many executives facing the challenges described above are looking for.

Platform engineering is the discipline of taking the tech and tools floating around your enterprise organization today and binding them into golden paths that remove cognitive load from developers while enabling true self-service. The sum of these golden paths is called an internal developer platform (IDP), which is the end product built by a platform team for their developers.

Platform teams can design clear, security-vetted roads for application developers to consume infrastructure and resources and interact with their cloud setups. This drives standardization by design across the entire engineering organization and has huge implications for all the questions outlined earlier.

Let’s say, for example, you decide to optimize your processes or work structure. Before you can remove people from any process, it’s crucial to standardize and automate the related workflows as much as possible; otherwise, everything will collapse. Rolling out an IDP will not only massively increase your degree of standardization, but it will also accelerate vendor agnosticism, allowing you to avoid vendor lock-in and consolidate your toolchain faster (and with a lot less pain).

A well-designed IDP can also provide transparency and visibility into your cloud costs, allowing you to tag resources and track costs granularly across all your business units and technical estates. This is key to cutting costs without compromising performance.

Companies adopting platform engineering create a much healthier work environment for developers and operations teams because it minimizes conflict. This leads to lower burnout and a more attractive culture that helps retain top performers. Increased developer productivity also means a shorter time to market (with an average 30% drop for teams rolling out enterprise-grade IDPs) and market share growth.

Sounds good right? And it is. The trick here is not to get lost in the process. Many enterprises have bought into the promise of platform engineering, but they are failing to execute properly on it.

Shipping an IDP that’s truly enterprise-ready, meaning it has an orchestration layer that comes with all enterprise features, including single sign-on (SSO) and role-based access control (RBAC), might seem daunting at first. It requires buy-in from multiple stakeholders (devs, ops, execs) and a different approach from what some engineers are used to. The mistake that many platform teams make is to try and please everyone at once. That is the fastest way to lose momentum and drag your platform engineering initiative out for months or even years before it shows any value. At that point, requirements will have likely changed and your IDP will land in the cemetery of failed corporate initiatives.

Successful platform initiatives, on the other hand, start with a minimum viable platform (MVP) designed to quickly show value to all key stakeholders. MVPs follow an established framework that clearly measures impact across the metrics that matter to everyone involved, then iterate from there. An MVP is the proven way to get everyone in an enterprise org on board with the platform initiative within weeks (instead of months or years) and then expand to a full-blown enterprise-grade IDP that can be rolled out across all teams.

Adopting platform engineering, and especially doing it quickly and reliably, is a key differentiator between companies staying competitive vs. the ones falling behind. Humanitec enables teams to roll out IDPs that are enterprise-ready. Talk to our platform architects if you want to learn more about our MVP program.


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Your Engineering Organization Is too Expensive - The New Stack

Texas company buys 75-employee SWFL-based engineering firm – Business Observer

A Texas engineering and consulting services company has acquired GradyMinor, a civil engineering firm with two Southwest Florida offices and 75 employees.

San Antonio-based Pape-Dawson Engineers is the new owner of the Bonita Springs-based firm, according to a statement. Terms of the deal werent disclosed.

GradyMinor, founded in 1981, specializes in municipal engineering, land development, land planning, surveying and mapping, and landscape architecture. It has an office in Fort Myers in addition to Bonita Springs.

GradyMinor President Mark Minor

GradyMinor shares our commitment to excellence in engineering, providing clients with a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to deliver thoughtfully designed projects, Pape-Dawson President Gene Dawson says in the release.

GradyMinors alignment with our core values combined with their reputation and diversified workload were key factors in our decision to partner. This acquisition builds upon our recently established Florida footprint as we work to expand our local team to serve the needs of the growing state.

GradyMinor is Pape-Dawsons second Florida acquisition in Florida. Last year, Pape-Dawson acquired Orlando-based Poulos & Bennett, which has a second location in Jacksonville.

We are thrilled to be joining the Pape-Dawson family, GradyMinorPresident Mark Minor says in the statement. We look forward to drawing upon the expanded resources and support that Pape-Dawson offers to our employees and clients alike. Together, we are well-positioned to continue serving communities across Florida with more capabilities than ever before.

Founded in 1965, Pape-Dawson announced a strategic partnership with Palm Beach Capital in 2023.

Continued here:

Texas company buys 75-employee SWFL-based engineering firm - Business Observer

College of Engineering receives the largest gift in its history – Temple University News

Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering Brian Butz and his wife Susan, CPH 85, have made a transformative donation to Temple Universitys College of Engineering that will support the expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) research at the college. The gift, which is valued at more than $2.5 million, includes an immediate investment in AI research projects, as well as a future endowed chair position to help Temple push to the forefront of the AI industry. It is the largest gift in the College of Engineerings history.

This is the right time for a landmark investment in AI research, said College of Engineering Dean Keya Sadeghipour. It will allow Temple Engineering to not only expand our current AI research but also become a true leader in the field that will have a major impact on the future.

This donation is just the latest example of the Butz familys commitment to philanthropy. In total, the familys gifts to Temple have a value of more than $3 million. In 2020, the Butzes donated $100,000 to establish the Brian and Susan Butz Term Scholarship in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and $100,000 in support of research at the College of Public Health.

The Butzes commitment to enhancing academic and research opportunities at Temple is evident, not only in their latest donation, but in their history of giving back to the university, said Mary Burke, vice president for institutional advancement. Their gift will have an immeasurable impact on the advancement of a cutting-edge discipline, and it will also serve as an inspiration to others who may want to follow in their footsteps in supporting the university.

The importance of support for endowed chairs at Temple University cannot be overstated, Burke added. Its critical to attract and retain faculty members who are at the top of their field.

This current gift is especially significant to the Butzes given its ties to AI, an area in which Brian was an early pioneer.

In the early 1990s he helped launch Temples Intelligent Systems Application Center, where he led undergraduate and graduate AI research projects funded by the National Science Foundation. During that same era, he led a research project in collaboration with the Fox Chase Cancer Center, which used AI to develop treatments for prostate cancer patients.

Butz led numerous other research projects and taught courses related to AI throughout the 1990s, at a time when few other institutions were offering courses on the technology. He was inspired to make this donation after witnessing firsthand the growing reliance on AI.

AI has become very popular. There have been a lot of recent improvements which give students the chance to participate in innovative research in an academic environment, said Butz, who served as a faculty member at the College of Engineering for more than 30 years. We made this gift to open doors for the students and faculty alike, through the scholarship, the research fund and the endowed chair.

In the decades since Butz began his work at Temple, AI research has spread throughout all departments in the College of Engineering. Faculty are investigating AI in areas such as supply chain optimization, urban planning, robotics, data science, human-machine collaboration, and predictive maintenance in infrastructure and healthcare settings.

The gift also advances the Butzes mission of making a quality Temple education more accessible to students of all backgrounds. Its a mission born from Brians personal experience as the first in his family to attend college.

Brian has always been keen on providing research and scholarship opportunities to students, because hes a first-generation college student and he really values his education, said Li Bai, ENG 96, chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Bai came to Temple as an undergraduate student in 1993 when Butz was serving as chair of the department. The two formed a strong bond that has lasted throughout their Temple careers.

It was hard being the first in my family to go to college, because I felt a real obligation to do well. I think a lot of students experience that, too, Butz added. I saw myself in these students, and I knew I could help them and educate them. That is what influenced this donation the most.

The Butzes legacy will have a lasting impact, not only in the advancements and breakthroughs made at the College of Engineering, but also through the students who will lead the next chapter of AI research.

Computers are going to run the world one day, theres no avoiding that, said Jared Levin, Class of 2025. Levin was the fall 2023 recipient of the Brian and Susan Butz Term Scholarship in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He also serves as the president of Temple Robotics, and he plans to pursue a masters degree in robotics upon graduating.

AI is the future of engineering, so people need to learn it, he added. This gift will create great opportunities for Temple Engineering students.

Originally posted here:

College of Engineering receives the largest gift in its history - Temple University News

ST Engineering AirX and Bureau Veritas Sign Cooperation Agreement – The Maritime Executive

[By:Bureau Veritas]

ST Engineering AirX (AirX), a joint venture between ST Engineering and Peluca (formerly known as Wigetworks), today announced a strategic partnership with Bureau Veritas (BV), a global leader in the Testing, Inspection and Certification industry, aimed at advancing Wing-in-Ground (WIG) technology. The collaboration will focus on the classification and certification of AirXs AirFish WIG craft, which represents a vital step towards its entry into service.

The AirFish is a groundbreaking WIG marine craft that operates just above the water, utilising aerodynamic forces generated by ground effect to achieve a more fuel-efficient high speed of travel. Under the partnership, and a shared vision in driving innovation, AirX and BV will work together to classify and certify AirFish 8, a 10-seater WIG craft, under BVs NI525 process for the risk-based qualification of new technology, and liaise with flag states to register the marine platform in respective countries. AirX and BV will also pool their expertise and resources to establish a robust framework for the classification and certification of AirX's future WIG platforms, and lay the groundwork for the serial production of the AirFish WIG craft.

AirX will contribute its design and development specialisms as the original equipment manufacturer of the WIG craft, and leverage ST Engineerings expertise in aircraft certification and qualification with civil aviation authorities. BV will provide advisory services on the design and development of the AirFish WIG craft from a regulatory and classification perspective, as well as technology qualification assessments based on BVs NI525, classification and equipment certification services, whilst also providing risk and safety assessments associated with the development and operations of AirFish WIG craft.

Jeffrey Lam, President of Commercial Aerospace at ST Engineering, said, In our pioneering journey to commercialise the worlds first WIG craft, we have chosen to partner with Bureau Veritas to classify and certify our AirFish Wing-in-Ground solution. This is a significant milestone in realising the huge potential of Wing-in-Ground technology in areas such as maritime transportation, and the delivery of para-public and logistics services. We look forward to working with Bureau Veritas to establish new standards in innovation and safety, with a technology that is set to revolutionise maritime transportation."

David Barrow, Vice-President, South Asia and Pacific Zone at Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, commented,We are delighted to support the development and deployment of the innovative AirFish Wing-in-Ground technology. Leveraging our extensive industry and regulatory experience, alongside our technological expertise, we will collaborate closely with ST Engineering AirX to navigate the complexities of introducing this groundbreaking solution to the market, with the common goal of driving growth and efficiency for the maritime industry.

The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.

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ST Engineering AirX and Bureau Veritas Sign Cooperation Agreement - The Maritime Executive

Application Security Optimised for Engineering Productivity –

Laura Bell Main, author of Agile Application Security and founder of SafeStack, recently presented a webinar titled Decoding Dev Culture 2024, in which she provided a "from the ground view" of security in 2024. Drawing from her experience, and a 12-month SafeStack survey, Bell discussed the need for DevSecOps practioners to move away from an overfocus on SAST and other tooling. She advocated for a better understanding of the developer experience associated with security processes and tooling. Bell explained that effective security ownership can be encouraged through improved communication, and positively impacting engineer productivity.

Praising DevSecOps for its aim to unite development, security, and operations into "fullstack-capable" teams with a "shared sense of purpose," Bell also highlighted a concerning trend. She noted a shift toward siloing of DevSecOps capabilities. According to Bell, in practice, DevSecOps is often segregated into dedicated or SRE teams, detached from the delivery teams. This segregation, she explained, stems from cultural and operational challenges, such as security initiatives that are tightly coupled to CI/CD tooling, rather than the development teams running those pipelines.

Nikki Robinson, author of Effective Vulnerability Management, gave a talk at DevOps Summit Canada last November, titled Where Platform Engineering and Security Meet. Robinson discussed the discipline of "platform security engineering," as the practice of supporting developers in securing complex systems by treating the engineering teams as customers. She discussed the importance of taking a developer experience targeted approach to not just tooling, but also processes and collaboration models. Robinson said:

Similarly, Bell explained that contrary to the DevSecOps goal of "combining development, security and operations together," she was now seeing a repeat of historic patterns when security was "adopted into operations." Explaining the tensions which lead to this situation, she elaborated:

Bell observed that instead of focusing solely on DevSecOps, development teams are now prioritising their own engineering productivity. To ensure security remains a priority, she suggested strategies like reducing developer cognitive load through early visibility of upcoming security initiatives, improving tooling to reduce toil, controlling false alarms, and minimising factors which constrain autonomy, such as approval bottlenecks. SafeStacks ongoing application security surveyshowed that most companies have 1 application security professional for every 50 to 100 developers, highlighting the risk of such bottlenecks.

SafeStack survey on the ratio of dev to security professionals. (Source: SafeStack: Decoding Dev Culture 2024 - A Security Leadership Perspective)

Furthermore, Bell stressed the importance of security specialists being mindful of any additional friction they may introduce to engineering teams. Instead of exacerbating existing challenges, she advocated for approaches that facilitate adoption of improvements and accelerate development processes. She said:

Robinson also encouraged platform security engineering teams to invest in building relations and communicating with team members. She emphasised the importance of understanding the friction and challenges of security practices in order to better optimise for tools and processes supportive of individual and team context. She said:

By prioritising the reduction of developer toil and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, organisations can drive meaningful change and ensure the holistic security of their software infrastructure. Bell, who recently hosted the Securing Modern Software track at QCon London and guides thousands of organisations on their security journeys, closed her webinar by urging security leaders to support development teams in not just managing new systems, but also ensuring the security of legacy applications. She said:

See the original post here:

Application Security Optimised for Engineering Productivity -