Category Archives: Cloud Computing
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Falco Graduation – PR Newswire
The cloud native runtime security tool is used by more than 30 public adopters, including Booz Allen Hamilton, GitLab, Shopify
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --TheCloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today announced the graduation of Falco, a cloud native security tool designed for Linux systems and the de facto Kubernetes threat detection engine.
Falco was created and open sourced in 2016 by Sysdig and became the first runtime security project accepted into the CNCF Sandbox in 2018 and, subsequently, the Incubator in April 2020. Since then, Falco has added maintainers from Amazon, Apple, IBM, Red Hat, and more. The project has also seen a 400% increase in active contributors since moving to incubation and now has hundreds active code contributors.
The project has over 30 public, self-declared adopters, including organizations like Cisco, Shopify, Skyscanner, and Vinted. Since moving to incubation, it has seen a 526% increase in total downloads, with a 135% increase in average monthly downloads.
"Real time visibility into the security of cloud native deployments is invaluable at scale," Chris Aniszczyk, CTO of CNCF. "Falco is helping to push advancements in the open source cloud native runtime security space with eBPF, and we look forward to seeing the progress in this area as the project continues to grow."
Falco employs custom rules on kernel events to provide real-time alerts and helps users gain visibility into abnormal behavior, potential security threats, and compliance violations, contributing to comprehensive runtime security. In the past few years, maintainers have dedicated time to improving engineering processes and refactoring the Falco code base, including improved test suites and a new Kernet testing framework, increased quality checks, and new features like a new eBPF probe and integration with new first-party data sources.
"The conclusion that led to Falco's development and contribution to CNCF is that runtime security must be widely accessible and seamlessly integrated across cloud native infrastructure you need prevention in the cloud, but threat detection is just as important," said Loris Degioanni, Creator of Falco and CTO and Founder of Sysdig. "The support Falco has received underscores the reality that you can't prevent everything, security teams need defense in depth, even in the cloud. I am grateful for the incredible Falco community and for surpassing this milestone within CNCF, but the Falco community has never seen graduation as the end goal rather, just the beginning of expanding Falco use cases through its plugin system."
To officially graduate from incubating status, the Falco project underwent a due diligence process with the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC), completed a third-party security audit, and supported the process of allowing CNCF projects to include GPL-licensed Linux kernel modules alongside the eBPF code. Graduation validates Falco's growth, maturity, and future outlook and cements the project's leadership in the runtime security space.
End User Support
"We needed a real-time solution that simultaneously met our application security needs and open source commitments Falco delivered both, providing immediate visibility across environments and prompt detection of and alerting on potential issues," said Aurimas Rudinskis, Security Engineering Manager at Vinted. "Falco offers an open source answer to the question of incident response in the cloud, and we're pleased to see its successful CNCF graduation."
"Congratulations to Falco for achieving CNCF graduated project status," said Ayoub Elaassal, Cybersecurity Director at Qonto. "In a world where ensuring robust security strategies relies on a multi-layered defense approach, Falco's runtime detection plays a pivotal role as an indispensable component within that framework. At Qonto we rely on Falco to get extreme visibility on low-level interactions on the system to, not only harden existing containers but also identify any suspicious or unexpected activity. Falco with its runtime security, is and should be an essential layer of any decent defense in depth strategy."
Learn more about Falco
About Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Cloud native computing empowers organizations to build and run scalable applications with an open source software stack in public, private, and hybrid clouds. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosts critical components of the global technology infrastructure, including Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy. CNCF brings together the industry's top developers, end users, and vendors and runs the largest open source developer conferences in the world. Supported by more than 800 members, including the world's largest cloud computing and software companies, as well as over 200 innovative startups, CNCF is part of the nonprofit Linux Foundation. For more information, please visit
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Katie Meinders The Linux Foundation [emailprotected]
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Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Falco Graduation - PR Newswire
With super SDMs (machine learning, open access big data, and the cloud) towards more holistic global squirrel … –
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With super SDMs (machine learning, open access big data, and the cloud) towards more holistic global squirrel ... -
Why cloud evolution needs a cohesive approach to succeed – CIO
Many organisations in India are migrating to the cloud, and there is no shortage of cloud providers. But if you want cloud to revolutionise your business, it wont help to get stuck with a basic cloud configuration that works by default but doesnt keep pace with your evolving goals.
This is what Mobicule Technologies, an independent software vendor (ISV) in fintech, realised as they expanded their client base in Indias financial services industry.
Large banks have tens of thousands of loan customers. Managing these accounts is an operational burden, as it involves constant follow-ups on monthly instalments, account maintenance and timely collections, especially when customers default on payments.
Mobicule has developed a comprehensive, cloud-based platform that automates the end-to-end management of various loan types, including consumer, vehicle, home and business loans. Their clients transfer the full management lifecycle of their loan accounts to this platform, which blends a range of digital functionality with a customer-focused call centre to streamline debt collection and resolution.
While other loan-management software vendors typically charge a fixed monthly fee per loan account, Mobicule only bills their clients once instalments have been recovered. This allows banks to minimise the risks associated with their loan accounts in a flexible, cost-effective way.
Before Mobicule started working with NTT DATA, they had already sourced cloud services from a large hyperscaler and were doing development in the cloud.
However, they lacked a sense of ownership of their cloud environment, and they found themselves having to fit square pegs in round holes while demand was rising for their services. They needed a provider who could tailor a solution to their needs, with an emphasis on cost efficiency because they deliver their software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering in a hypercompetitive market.
In financial services, security and compliance are as important as reliability and responsiveness. Mobicule needed help with their security information and event management (SIEM) approach: combining security information management (collecting, analysing and reporting on log data generated from all their technology infrastructure) and security event management (monitoring, correlating and analysing security events generated by hardware and software, in real time).
This level of reliability and security had to be scalable across multiple clients, each of which needed a guarantee that, despite being part of a cloud-native, multitenant environment, their data and infrastructure would remain private and protected.
As a pioneer in a competitive market, we need to be nimble in order to maintain our early-mover advantage. To achieve this, we needed a cloud partner who could assume the role of a trusted adviser and deliver a cloud landscape that would enable us to create a robust, secure and cost-efficient cloud landscape for our SaaS offerings, says Siddharth Agarwal, Founder and MD of Mobicule.
NTT DATA went the extra mile to help Mobicule, starting with cloud discovery and analysis sprints to define clear objectives. Working with the Mobicule team, we selected our SimpliCloud public-cloud platform as the optimal execution venue for their application landscape.
With SimpliCloud, Mobicule can deploy infrastructure-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service solutions, containers and microservices, and connect to other hybrid or multicloud platforms as needed.
The combination of SimpliCloud (an on-demand enterprise public cloud) and SimplyVPC (an agile and secure hosted private cloud) allows us to offer a seamless hybrid and multicloud solution for organisations navigating the complexities of SaaS delivery.
Mobicule now consumes cloud capacity in an on-demand, pay-as-you-go model, with access to a range of cloud-native microservices, all managed around the clock by NTT DATA. In this way, they have realised savings in the form of a 40% cloud cost optimisation compared with their previous public-cloud setup.
Combined with our portfolio of managed services, which span everything from the application layer to people, tools and processes, this cloud solution is a compelling proposition not only for Mobicule and financial service providers but also for organisations in other industries.
NTT DATAs cloud platform has been instrumental in enabling us to be efficient and agile. Their approach to cloud transformation allows us to focus on our core ISV offerings rather than worry about our cloud landscape, says Agarwal.
We want to help our clients grow because their success is our success. This sets us apart in the cloud space, and we hope to help many more innovative organisations like Mobicule advance their digital transformation.
Read more about NTT DATAs Managed Cloud Solutions in India
Continued here:
Why cloud evolution needs a cohesive approach to succeed - CIO
Why teams must collaborate in the complex world of cloud security – SC Media
In an era where the cloud reigns supreme, one might assume that by now, we'd already have a straightforward process for ensuring the security of cloud environments. After all, with the vast amount of time and resources invested in cloud technology, wed expect a well-defined process for controlling the security posture of these environments. However, managing cloud security has become increasingly complex, involving multiple teams from various organizations.
The teams responsible for cloud infrastructure security typically include R&D, infrastructure, security, and compliance. Each team brings its unique expertise and perspective, making collaboration essential for effective security management. While R&D focuses on developing innovative cloud applications, infrastructure teams handle the deployment and maintenance of cloud resources. Security teams play a crucial role in assessing and mitigating security risks, while compliance teams ensure that cloud deployments adhere to industry regulations and standards.
This comes to a point where the teams I mentioned have different objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs), use different software and technologies, and speak different languages. The tension and friction between them turn into non-productive communication and are possibly the root cause of the security incident.
To effectively manage cloud security in this complex landscape, teams need to address several important tasks:
Developing secure cloud applications is the cornerstone of cloud security. R&D teams must prioritize security throughout the entire CI/CD lifecycle, incorporating security best practices and robust authentication mechanisms to mitigate potential vulnerabilities. It starts with the code written, but then we need to bring into consideration the data were fetching, how we request and grant access (and to whom), APIs, and third-parties we integrate with.
Risk assessments are essential for identifying and prioritizing security risks across all layers of the cloud. The infrastructure teams must conduct thorough assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities in network configurations, storage solutions, and server instances. The gateways between these different services usually begin with good identity and access management (IAM) configuration, the most commonly used access mechanism today. We must always remember that identity is not only for users, but also for non-human or machine identities. Next, we need to check access to data and the way it gets stored and encrypted. And lastly, how are we connected to the outside world?
Establishing clear security policies and implementing guardrails has become crucial for maintaining a secure cloud environment. Security teams should regularly review and update security policies to align with evolving threats and industry best practices. Automated guardrails can help enforce compliance with security policies, preventing unauthorized access and data breaches. I like comparing this part to the work of a very professional DevOps engineer. When a good process and pipeline gets built, for the most part, it will operate smoothly and the engineer will only have to make tweaks and changes along the way. The same goes for the assessment process. Teams should always do it continuously, not just before an audit. This way, we'll find fixing issues a routine and ongoing process. Place guardrails not only based on the different compliance frameworks, but also based on the organizations unique business, applications, and appetite for risk.
Think of cloud security as an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and remediation. Security teams must promptly address security incidents and vulnerabilities as they arise, implementing remediation measures to mitigate risks. Conduct regular audits and assessments to ensure compliance with security standards and regulations. AI technology came to the rescue and today we can save a lot of time by correctly prioritizing the different security risks, based on the impact they create on our organization. Moreover, using the right technology can assist us in quicker remediation cycles. First by building customized remediation, based on our applications and infrastructure, and second, by automating enforcement processes.
If we acknowledge the importance of effective collaboration in driving efficient security processes across the organization, the subsequent step involves identifying a platform to facilitate this collaboration. Recognizing that various teams have different objectives in mind (code security versus IAM), it's essential to note that each product offers a unique set of capabilities. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of acronyms, focus on the specific challenges the team aims to address and the goals it wants to achieve. Then, explore opportunities for cross-team collaboration to attain collective objectives while ensuring a secure and compliant environment. This entails implementing least-privileged access, safeguarding data, and configuring systems to enhance speed and efficacy in delivery.
Shira Shamban, co-founder and CEO, Solvo
Continued here:
Why teams must collaborate in the complex world of cloud security - SC Media
Juggling 5G networking with cloud and security concerns – SiliconANGLE News
Connectivity is the backbone of todays digital world. Thus, advancements such as 5G networking serve to bolster that backbone and advance the telecom sector with existing enterprise requirements in areas such as speed, bandwidth and latency.
The future of telecom, cloud computing and security is a complex landscape filled with challenges and opportunities, and the transition to 5G represents an unprecedented ground-up overhaul. The implications of doing so are only now becoming apparent.
When you look at 5G and you move it into the cloud,all of a sudden you go blind, saidBruce Kelley (pictured, left), senior vice president and chief technology officer of NetScout Systems Inc. That means youve got microservicestalking to each other inside the cloud, east, west, where,youre not seeing that traffic.Observability is critical because youve got gaps.
Kelley andDarren Anstee (right), chief technology officer for security at NetScout, spoke with theCUBE Research analystsDave VellanteandJohn Furrierat MWC Barcelona, during an exclusive broadcast on theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Medias livestreaming studio. They discussed the integration of 5G, the nuances of cloud-native architectures and the imperative of security, shedding light on critical aspects shaping the industrys trajectory.(* Disclosure below.)
As telecom operatorsprovide enterprise services powered by 5G, observability and security are even more crucial. Enterprises are demanding stringent service-level agreements, so operators must guarantee robust security in addition to high performance.
[Telcos] aregoing to have to be able to see [and] improve the SLAs, Kelley said. At the same time, theyre going to have to offer clean slicesto these banks and enterprises.
Observability, which involves gaining visibility into microservices and network traffic, is now a critical tool in assuring SLAs and identifying potential vulnerabilities. This is especially more pressing as critical industries, such as healthcare and finance, begin to rely on 5G, Kelley added.
The enterprise is going to want guarantees.Theyre not going to just sign up for 5Gand say, Well, I hope it works,' he said.Theyre going to hold them to a certain latency,a certain throughput thats promised. [With]the service theyre signing up for,theyre going to want to guarantee it all the time. It could be life or death, it could be loss of revenue andit could be brand reputation.
Unlike previous generational upgrades that primarily focused on speed improvements, the transition to 5G represents a fundamental restructuring of telecommunications infrastructure. Moving toward cloud-native architectures means abandoning traditional physical networks in favor of cloud-based, encrypted systems. This transition not only introduces new levels of complexity, but also necessitates a diverse skill set encompassing cloud technologies alongside traditional telecommunications expertise, according to Anstee.
One of the key thingsthat weve realized recently is thatthe data set that we build for observabilityto help our customers assure performanceand all of those kinds of things within their networks,within the services that they deliver to their enterprises,that data set can also drivea lot of different security value propositions, Anstee said. We announced a partnership yesterdaywith Palo Alto where were going to feedsome of our data sets into their solutionsso that they can make more use of themto enrich their capabilityand the overall service that the mobile operatorcan offer to the enterprise.
Also important in 5G networking is slicing, which promises to revolutionize how operators deliver services to enterprises. By partitioning the 5G infrastructure into virtual networks, or slices, telcos can cater to diverse enterprise needs with customized offerings. These slices not only guarantee specific performance metrics, but also enable telcos to monetize their expertise and infrastructure, Anstee added.
Heres the complete video interview, part of SiliconANGLEs and theCUBE Researchs coverage of MWC Barcelona:
(* Disclosure: TheCUBE is a paid media partner for the MWC Barcelona event. No sponsors have editorial control over content on theCUBE or SiliconANGLE.)
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Juggling 5G networking with cloud and security concerns - SiliconANGLE News
Alibaba halves prices triggering cost war in China cloud computing – Verdict
Chinese cloud computing company Alibaba has cut the prices of its cloud software by up to 55%, striking the first blow in a cost war between Chinese cloud companies.
Alibabas price cuts averaged around a 20% decrease on more than 100 of its services.
Competitor also reduced its prices less than 24 hours after Alibaba.
In its statement posted on a WeChat account, a popular social media site in China, said that the entirety of its products would continue to be cheaper than its competitors.
This price comparison activity is targeted at specific cloud service providers, it stated.
In its 2024 thematic intelligence report into cloud computing, research and analysis company GlobalData reported that cloud computing will now be competing within the AI market.
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Each cloud provider, forecasts GlobalData, will be in a race to provide the markets best AI platforms and tools.
The global rise of GenAI has catalysed this competition and as every major cloud company releases its own AI products, cost will be a dominant factor used to compete for buyer attention.
GlobalDatas report stated that cloud companies had long been investing in AI chips to support growing workloads, seeking out better performance than using standard GPUs.
According to GlobalData forecasts, the total cloud computing market will be worth $1.4trn in 2027, achieving a compound annual growth rate of 17% between 2022 and 2027.
Give your business an edge with our leading industry insights.
Read more:
Alibaba halves prices triggering cost war in China cloud computing - Verdict
Microsoft hits AI snag amid weak cloud forecast, OpenAI probe – Henry Herald
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Microsoft hits AI snag amid weak cloud forecast, OpenAI probe - Henry Herald
Huawei to bring cloud computing to Egypt – DCD – DatacenterDynamics
Huawei is set to launch a new local cloud service in Egypt next month.
First reported by the South China Morning Post, the Chinese tech giant is also planning to develop an AI cloud computing center in Hong Kong, its first outside of mainland China.
The new cloud region in Egypt will add to Huawei's 85 cloud availability zones, spread across 30 regions.
The company is the second largest cloud provider in China, and has been steadily increasing its global presence. Last year, it launched new cloud regions in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, the latter of which was located in an STC/Center3 data center in Riyadh.
Huawei is also developing third availability zones in both Brazil and Mexico. The Brazilian region is expected to go live in 2024.
It is unclear which data center the Egypt cloud region will be hosted in. In 2019, Huawei had shared plans for a cloud data platform that would be hosted in a Telecom Egypt data center in Cairo. At the time, this was intended to be Huawei's first cloud computing region in Africa and the Middle East, but it appears that the company had a change of heart, and its first service in the region was Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which launched last year.
Elsewhere, Huawei lists several regions across China and Hong Kong; Dublin, Ireland; Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Paris, France; Bangkok, Thailand; Singapore; Jakarta; Indonesia; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Istanbul, Turkey; Johannesburg, South Africa; Mexico City, Mexico; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Lima, Peru; and Santiago, Chile.
Despite the global growth, many countries continue to deem Huawei a high-risk vendor due to its close ties to the Chinese government. The US and UK are among those to have banned its equipment from their networks.
In addition to the new cloud region, Huawei has also shared plans for an AI cloud computing center in Hong Kong. This will be the first outside of mainland China, with the company already having developed such facilities in Gui'an, Ulanqab, and Wuhu, from which customers can access the Huawei Cloud Ascend AI service with ready-to-call AI models.
Jacqueline Shi, president of Huawei Cloud Global Marketing and Sales Service, said: "At Huawei Cloud, AI is a key strategy. We're building a solid cloud foundation for everyone, for every industry, to accelerate intelligence."
The company has its own generative AI model named Pangu, the third version of which was launched in July 2023.
See the article here:
Huawei to bring cloud computing to Egypt - DCD - DatacenterDynamics
Alibaba Cloud cuts prices, hard, for multi-year commitments – The Register
Alibaba Cloud has made significant price cuts for those willing to use its datacenters in mainland China and commit to multi-year deals.
The Chinese giant has detailed [in Chinese] price reductions of up to 36 percent for some instance types in its Elastic Compute Service (ECS).
Object storage prices can fall 55 percent under some deals, helped by the extension of Alibaba Cloud's reserved capacity terms from one year to between two and five years.
Database as a service costs have also been reduced, by up to 40 percent.
A free traffic allowance has been increased from 10 to 20 gigabytes.
The Register understands Alibaba hopes to win more customers in mainland China, and to encourage local businesses to adopt cloud and consider AI.
Alibaba Cloud customers outside mainland China are welcome to use the lower prices. The Register expects a decision to do so will only come after very close consideration of Chinese data protection and security laws, as few orgs are comfortable storing sensitive data offshore never mind in a famously complex jurisdiction like the People's Republic.
The discounts were announced weeks after Alibaba Cloud revealed that its growth had stalled, other than among Alibaba Group companies. The hyperscaler also sought to slough off low-margin contract-based customers.
Those challenges put into perspective the discounts for long-term commitment to the Alibaba Cloud customers that sign up for the deals could help the hyperscaler address both of its problems.
Alibaba Cloud is not alone in trying to make long-term commitments attractive. The likes of Azure and AWS have made reserved capacity the cheapest way to consume their services a tactic that makes sense as it allows them to more predictably cover the costs of their infrastructure. Alibaba would understand that aspect of cloud economics, and almost certainly employs the finance wonks capable of modelling them for its own business.
That it has reached similar conclusions about how best to price its cloud using long deals is therefore no surprise especially for an organization whose cloudy thinking has so often reached the same conclusions as its Western rivals.
Originally posted here:
Alibaba Cloud cuts prices, hard, for multi-year commitments - The Register
‘The year of the data cloud:’ Salesforce results, guidance impress Wall Street – Seeking Alpha
John M. Chase
Salesforce (NYSE:CRM) was in focus on Thursday after the cloud computing software giant reported strong fourth-quarter results and provided guidance for fiscal 2025, leaving many on Wall Street to see this year as "the year of the data cloud."
Shares rose fractionally in premarket trading.
"Strong demand for Data Cloud offering, which is now approaching $400M in [annual recurring revenue] (nearly +90% yr-yr)," Baird analyst Rob Oliver wrote in a note. "While macro environment remains challenging, strong trends in AI and data could be sources of upside this year."
Oliver reiterated his Outperform rating and boosted his price target to $355 from $310.
Stifel analyst J. Parker Lane also said 2024 will likely be the "year of the data cloud," as he maintained his Buy rating on Salesforce and bumped his price target to $350 from $330.
Looking to the next fiscal year, Salesforce expects to generate sales within a range of $37.7B to $38B, below the $38.65B that analysts were forecasting. Full-year earnings are expected to be between $9.68 and $9.76 per share, above the $9.61 per share estimate.
For the period ending Jan. 31, Salesforce earned an adjusted $2.29 per share as revenue rose 11% year-over-year to come in at $9.29B. Subscription and support revenue during the period rose 12% year-over-year to $8.75B, while service revenue came in at $2.16B. Platform and other revenue was $1.72B during the period, while marketing and commerce revenue rose 8.2% year-over-year to $1.287B.
Analysts had expected the Dow 30 component to earn $2.27 per share on revenue of $9.22B.
Salesforce also announced its first-ever quarterly dividend of $0.40 per share and boosted its share buyback program by $10B. The company also said that it had returned $1.7B to shareholders in the fourth-quarter in the form of buybacks.
Salesforce appears to be in a strong position when it comes to monetizing artificial intelligence, especially via its Einstein offering, which some on Wall Street believe could boost sales considerably.
"We believe [AI] is a major land grab opportunity that could significantly benefit CRM over the coming years and could increase overall revenue by $4 billion+ annually based on our estimates and field work by 2025," Wedbush Securities analyst Dan Ives wrote in a note. Ives maintained his Outperform rating and $325 price target.
Lane also expressed optimism around Salesforce's ability to generate revenue from AI in short order.
"We note that Einstein contributions in the guide are minimal, so early adoption has the potential to drive upside from the [high single digit] growth guide," Lane wrote. "We remain confident in the company's positioning in the nascent AI space and expect its early investments into building AI-powered solutions/models organically will begin to pay off as soon as FY25."
Excerpt from:
'The year of the data cloud:' Salesforce results, guidance impress Wall Street - Seeking Alpha