UK Judge Rejects Scientist’s Claim to Be Bitcoin Inventor –

A judge at Londons High Courtruled Monday(May 20) that Australian computer scientist Craig Wright lied and forged documents to support his false claim of being the inventor of bitcoin.

Judge James Mellor ruled in March that the evidence Wright was not the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto and gave his reasons for this conclusion Monday, ReutersreportedMonday.

The judge said that Wright had lied and forged documents to support his claim to be the inventor and that his lawsuits against developers and hisviews aboutbitcoinalso went against his claims, according to the report.

The case in which this decision was rendered was brought by theCrypto Open Patent Alliance(COPA) and was aimed at stopping Wright from suingbitcoindevelopers, the report said.

In a Mondayblog postthatfollowingthe rule, COPA wrote that the judgment forensically demolishes Wrights fraudulent claims.

This decision is a watershed moment for the open-source community and even more importantly, a definitive win for the truth, a COPA spokesperson said in the post. Developers can now continue their important work maintaining, iterating onandimproving thebitcoinnetwork without risking theirpersonallivelihoods or fearing costly and time-consuming litigation from Craig Wright.

In a Mondaypost onX, Wright said: I fully intend to appeal the decision of the court on the matter of the identity issue. I would like to acknowledge and thank all my supporters for their unwavering encouragement and support.

Wright stepped forward with his claim to be thecreator ofbitcoinin May 2016, making the claim to three publications the BBC, The EconomistandGQ and sending messages digitally signed with cryptographic keys created during the early days ofbitcoinsdevelopment.

These are the blocks used to send 10 bitcoins to Hal Finney in January [2009] as the first bitcoin transaction, Wright said at the time during his demonstration.

By December 2019, when a judge in Florida ruled that Wrights late partner owned half of all the coins that Wright mined through the year 2013 and half of the intellectual property that was created, somecrypto expertsthought he was a fraud.

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