The Role of Artificial Intelligence in East Asia – Fagen wasanni

The fear of artificial intelligence (AI) is primarily seen in Western countries, while in East Asia, it is embraced as a valuable tool for addressing societal challenges and increasing productivity. With the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in China, which combines various technologies like high-speed communication, the Internet of Things (IoT), and robotics, AI has become essential.

China is utilizing AI as a means to revolutionize its industries. For example, Chinese ports can now unload container ships in just 45 minutes, a task that takes up to a week in other countries. The fear surrounding AI today is reminiscent of the concerns people had about machines at the end of the 19th century. French textile workers even sabotaged weaving machines to protect their jobs.

However, it is important to recognize that just as machines relieved humans of physical labor in the 20th century, AI will relieve humans of mental labor in the 21st century. The development of AI also has roots in cybernetics, with AI being cybernetics with a self-learning function.

While some experts express concerns about AI systems surpassing human intelligence and potentially replacing humanity, concrete examples of such scenarios are lacking. It is crucial to understand that AI systems are domain-specific and designed to perform specific tasks within set parameters. They operate on Boolean logic and do not possess their own will.

In China, AI is transforming various sectors. In healthcare, AI is utilized for medical imaging analysis, disease diagnosis, and drug research. Smart cities in China leverage AI technologies for traffic management, energy efficiency, waste management, and public safety systems. In education, AI is integrated to enhance personalized learning experiences. Additionally, AI is employed in agriculture for crop monitoring, pest detection, and yield optimization.

Chinas acceptance and trust in technology can be attributed to cultural factors like pragmatism. The Chinese view AI as a part of the larger transition to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. However, the development of AI should still be guided by safety measures, similar to the nuclear energy industry and civil aviation.

While the US may lead in AI innovation, Chinas focus on application and its Industry 4.0 ecosystem should be a concern for the American AI community. To fully realize the transformative potential of AI, it is necessary to consider its integration into various sectors and infrastructures.

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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in East Asia - Fagen wasanni

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