Smart Emmanuel: The Things That Make Artificial Intelligence … – BellaNaija

In todays world of artificial intelligence, with all its glory and jaw-dropping features, its understandable to get worried about how human intelligence can thrive and/or compete with AI.With artificial intelligence-supported applications and platforms, the best kind of emails and the most sophisticated articles and blog posts are written. The speed of delivery outruns any kind of human effort.

As it seems, the answers to the most complex problems are solved without human interference. Where does this leave employees? I believe artificial intelligence threatens jobs that depend on recall/repetition.But its not all doom. I believe many people are overwhelmed because we havent seen the helicopter view yet and looked at the whole picture to understand whats really happening.

To our credit, artificial intelligence applications are designed to mimic the best of us. It mirrors the best writers, composers, thinkers and creators. It has trillions of data that one human can never memorise.Although artificial intelligence has the potential to solve complex problems, its capabilities are limited by the availability of knowledge. It can use publicly known information to tackle already solved problems for new individuals, but it struggles to create new patterns or solve unsolved problems. For instance, there are many email templates available online that can help deal with angry customers, but most people dont use them. AI applications can provide a quick solution to such problems, however, AIs ability to solve problems is limited to the knowledge available to it. If the information is not publicly known, then AI may not be able to provide a solution. Therefore, AI is more effective in solving already solved problems than in dealing with new or complex ones.

I have a client who makes over $10,000 monthly without spending his penny but by legitimately doing his business. So I asked an AI application how I could make the same using the same set of skills but it was clueless about how to make this happen. This is because my client isnt nave and he wont put his trade secret out. AI is only able to solve problems whose answers or clues are public.

AI may try to solve problems using clues and known human knowledge patterns but would simply fail. Only humans can solve our unsolved problems. And this is the bar that raises humans far above artificial intelligence. Amidst several known and unknown diseases, our hope for a cure isnt in AI but in human intelligence. AI may give you known general tips on how to make your marriage work but the best counsel will come from a marriage counsellor with thirty years of success in mending relationships. Beyond software detecting AI-generated articles, no AI can write these original ideas I have spent hours curating.

In the end, we must remember AI isnt our enemy but a tool to ensure we have quick and easy access to publicly known knowledge. Its not a replacement for thinking and curating original ideas. The continuous progress of humankind is hinged on human intelligence. We cant afford to stop thinking. Human intelligence put men on the moon, created AI and cured numerous diseases. The real victims of AI are those who replace their brains with AI.


Feature image by Alex Knight for Pexels

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Smart Emmanuel: The Things That Make Artificial Intelligence ... - BellaNaija

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