Senators on Using Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture It’s already here. – AG INFORMATION NETWORK OF THE … – AGInfo Ag Information Network

The Senate Agriculture Committee hosted a hearing on AI and innovation into American agriculture. In her opening statement, Michigan Senator and Chair Debbie Stabenow pointed to agriculture's role in technology.

American agriculture has always been at the forefront of innovation its imperative we strike a balance between harnessing the benefits A.I. offers, while addressing the concerns it raises.

Concerns about A.I. include data privacy, workforce implications, and equitable access to the technology. Stabenow says the reality is A.I. is already being integrated into our daily lives.

In fact, Im going to pause, my entire statement up to this point was generated by A.I. and its something I would have said. So its incredible.

Panelist Dr. Mason Earles with the University of California Davis defines AI.

Put simply, an A.I. is a computer program physical action.

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