Dublin, Oct. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Artificial Intelligence of Things: AIoT Market by Technology and Solutions 2020 - 2025" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
This AIoT market report provides an analysis of technologies, leading companies and solutions. The report also provides quantitative analysis including market sizing and forecasts for AIoT infrastructure, services, and specific solutions for the period 2020 through 2025. The report also provides an assessment of the impact of 5G upon AIoT (and vice versa) as well as blockchain and specific solutions such as Data as a Service, Decisions as a Service, and the market for AIoT in smart cities.
Many industry verticals will be transformed through AI integration with enterprise, industrial, and consumer product and service ecosystems. It is destined to become an integral component of business operations including supply chains, sales and marketing processes, product and service delivery, and support models.
We see AIoT evolving to become more commonplace as a standard feature from big analytics companies in terms of digital transformation for the connected enterprise. This will be realized in infrastructure, software, and SaaS managed service offerings. More specifically, we see 2020 as a key year for IoT data-as-a-service offerings to become AI-enabled decisions-as-a-service-solutions, customized on a per industry and company basis. Certain data-driven verticals such as the utility and energy services industries will lead the way.
As IoT networks proliferate throughout every major industry vertical, there will be an increasingly large amount of unstructured machine data. The growing amount of human-oriented and machine-generated data will drive substantial opportunities for AI support of unstructured data analytics solutions. Data generated from IoT supported systems will become extremely valuable, both for internal corporate needs as well as for many customer-facing functions such as product life-cycle management.
The use of AI for decision making in IoT and data analytics will be crucial for efficient and effective decision making, especially in the area of streaming data and real-time analytics associated with edge computing networks. Real-time data will be a key value proposition for all use cases, segments, and solutions. The ability to capture streaming data, determine valuable attributes, and make decisions in real-time will add an entirely new dimension to service logic.
In many cases, the data itself, and actionable information will be the service. AIoT infrastructure and services will, therefore, be leveraged to achieve more efficient IoT operations, improve human-machine interactions, and enhance data management and analytics, creating a foundation for IoT Data as a Service (IoTDaaS) and AI-based Decisions as a Service.
The fastest-growing 5G AIoT applications involve private networks. Accordingly, the 5GNR market for private wireless in industrial automation will reach $4B by 2025. Some of the largest market opportunities will be AIoT market IoTDaaS solutions. We see machine learning in edge computing as the key to realizing the full potential of IoT analytics.
Select Report Findings:
Key Topics Covered:
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Introduction2.1 Defining AIoT2.2 AI in IoT vs. AIoT2.3 Artificial General Intelligence2.4 IoT Network and Functional Structure2.5 Ambient Intelligence and Smart Lifestyles2.6 Economic and Social Impact2.7 Enterprise Adoption and Investment2.8 Market Drivers and Opportunities2.9 Market Restraints and Challenges2.10 AIoT Value Chain2.10.1 Device Manufacturers2.10.2 Equipment Manufacturers2.10.3 Platform Providers2.10.4 Software and Service Providers2.10.5 User Communities
3.0 AIoT Technology and Market3.1 AIoT Market3.1.1 Equipment and Component3.1.2 Cloud Equipment and Deployment3.1.3 3D Sensing Technology3.1.4 Software and Data Analytics3.1.5 AIoT Platforms3.1.6 Deployment and Services3.2 AIoT Sub-Markets3.2.1 Supporting Device and Connected Objects3.2.2 IoT Data as a Service3.2.3 AI Decisions as a Service3.2.4 APIs and Interoperability3.2.5 Smart Objects3.2.6 Smart City Considerations3.2.7 Industrial Transformation3.2.8 Cognitive Computing and Computer Vision3.2.9 Consumer Appliances3.2.10 Domain Specific Network Considerations3.2.11 3D Sensing Applications3.2.12 Predictive 3D Design3.3 AIoT Supporting Technologies3.3.1 Cognitive Computing3.3.2 Computer Vision3.3.3 Machine Learning Capabilities and APIs3.3.4 Neural Networks3.3.5 Context-Aware Processing3.4 AIoT Enabling Technologies and Solutions3.4.1 Edge Computing3.4.2 Blockchain Networks3.4.3 Cloud Technologies3.4.4 5G Technologies3.4.5 Digital Twin Technology and Solutions3.4.6 Smart Machines3.4.7 Cloud Robotics3.4.8 Predictive Analytics and Real-Time Processing3.4.9 Post Event Processing3.4.10 Haptic Technology
4.0 AIoT Applications Analysis4.1 Device Accessibility and Security4.2 Gesture Control and Facial Recognition4.3 Home Automation4.4 Wearable Device4.5 Fleet Management4.6 Intelligent Robots4.7 Augmented Reality Market4.8 Drone Traffic Monitoring4.9 Real-time Public Safety4.10 Yield Monitoring and Soil Monitoring Market4.11 HCM Operation
5.0 Analysis of Important AIoT Companies5.1 Sharp5.2 SAS5.3 DT425.4 Chania Tech Giants: Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent5.4.1 Baidu5.4.2 Alibaba5.4.3 Tencent5.5 Xiaomi Technology5.6 NVidia5.7 Intel Corporation5.8 Qualcomm5.9 Innodisk5.10 Gopher Protocol5.11 Micron Technology5.12 ShiftPixy5.13 Uptake5.14 C3 IoT5.15 Alluvium5.16 Arundo Analytics5.17 Canvass Analytics5.18 Falkonry5.19 Interactor5.20 Google5.21 Cisco5.22 IBM Corp.5.23 Microsoft Corp.5.24 Apple Inc.5.25 Salesforce Inc.5.26 Infineon Technologies AG5.27 Amazon Inc.5.28 AB Electrolux5.29 ABB Ltd.5.30 AIBrian Inc.5.31 Analog Devices5.32 ARM Limited5.33 Atmel Corporation5.34 Ayla Networks Inc.5.35 Brighterion Inc.5.36 Buddy5.37 CloudMinds5.38 Cumulocity GmBH5.39 Cypress Semiconductor Corp5.40 Digital Reasoning Systems Inc.5.41 Echelon Corporation5.42 Enea AB5.43 Express Logic Inc.5.44 Facebook Inc.5.45 Fujitsu Ltd.5.46 Gemalto N.V.5.47 General Electric5.48 General Vision Inc.5.49 Graphcore5.50 H2O.ai5.51 Haier Group Corporation5.52 Helium Systems5.53 Hewlett Packard Enterprise5.54 Huawei Technologies5.55 Siemens AG5.56 SK Telecom5.57 SoftBank Robotics5.58 SpaceX5.59 SparkCognition5.60 STMicroelectronics5.61 Symantec Corporation5.62 Tellmeplus5.63 Tend.ai5.64 Tesla5.65 Texas Instruments5.66 Thethings.io5.67 Veros Systems5.68 Whirlpool Corporation5.69 Wind River Systems5.70 Juniper Networks5.71 Nokia Corporation5.72 Oracle Corporation5.73 PTC Corporation5.74 Losant IoT5.75 Robert Bosch GmbH5.76 Pepper5.77 Terminus5.78 Tuya Smart
6.0 AIoT Market Analysis and Forecasts 2020 - 20256.1 Global AIoT Market Outlook and Forecasts6.1.1 Aggregate AIoT Market 2020 - 20256.1.2 AIoT Market by Infrastructure and Services 2020 - 20256.1.3 AIoT Market by AI Technology 2020 - 20256.1.4 AIoT Market by Application 2020 - 20256.1.5 AIoT in Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, and Government 2020 - 20256.1.6 AIoT Market in Cities, Suburbs, and Rural Areas 2020 - 20256.1.7 AIoT in Smart Cities 2020 - 20256.1.8 IoT Data as a Service Market 2020 - 20256.1.9 AI Decisions as a Service Market 2020 - 20256.1.10 Blockchain Support of AIoT 2020 - 20256.1.11 AIoT in 5G Networks 2020 - 20256.2 Regional AIoT Markets 2020 - 2025
7.0 Conclusions and Recommendations7.1 Advertisers and Media Companies7.2 Artificial Intelligence Providers7.3 Automotive Companies7.4 Broadband Infrastructure Providers7.5 Communication Service Providers7.6 Computing Companies7.7 Data Analytics Providers7.8 Immersive Technology (AR, VR, and MR) Providers7.9 Networking Equipment Providers7.10 Networking Security Providers7.11 Semiconductor Companies7.12 IoT Suppliers and Service Providers7.13 Software Providers7.14 Smart City System Integrators7.15 Automation System Providers7.16 Social Media Companies7.17 Workplace Solution Providers7.18 Enterprise and Government
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/aw2mh9
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