ECSL Practitioners’ Forum on Artificial Intelligence and the Space Sector: Legal And Regulatory Aspects – SpaceWatch.Global

The European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) has been organising a one-day Practitioners Forum every year since 1992. The aim of the Forum is to provide those working across all areas of the space sector an opportunity to network and discuss topical areas of space law and policy relevant to the sector.

The next Practitioners Forum will take place at ESA ESOC in Darmstadt, Germany on 23 of April 2020, and will gather high-level experts to address Artificial Intelligence and the Space Sector: legal and regulatory aspects.

The programme of the event is available here.

Registration is open until the 10th of April and limited to 100 participants. To register, please click here.


The European Centre for Space Law (ESCL) was established in 1989 under the auspices of the European Space Agency (ESA) and with the support of a number of pioneers in this field.

Current members of the ECSL include professionals working in a wide range of areas within the space sector, lawyers, university professors and students.

Among other things, one of the main objectives of the Centre is to provide a forum for all those wishing to participate in constructive dialogue related to space law and space policy, and to encourage interdisciplinary exchange among members.

ESCL members include professionals working in different areas within the space sector. Citizens of ESA Member States or countries with cooperative agreements with ESA can become members of ECSL upon payment of a small annual fee.

Membership gives the right to participate in ECSL activities, to vote at the General Meeting of Members and to receive certain ECSL publications.

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ECSL Practitioners' Forum on Artificial Intelligence and the Space Sector: Legal And Regulatory Aspects - SpaceWatch.Global

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