Artificial Intelligence News: Latest Advancements in AI …

How does Artificial Intelligence work?

Artificial Intelligence is a complex field with many components and methodologies used to achieve the final result an intelligent machine. AI was developed by studying the way the human brain thinks, learns and decides, then applying those biological mechanisms to computers.

As opposed to classical computing, where coders provide the exact inputs, outputs, and logic, artificial intelligence is based on providing a machine the inputs and a desired outcome, letting the machine develop its own path to achieve its set goal. This frequently allows computers to better optimize a situation than humans, such as optimizing supply chain logistics and streamlining financial processes.

There are four types of AI that differ in their complexity of abilities:

Artificial intelligence is used in virtually all businesses; in fact, you likely interact with it in some capacity on a daily basis. Chatbots, smart cars, IoT devices, healthcare, banking, and logistics all use artificial intelligence to provide a superior experience.

One AI that is quickly finding its way into most consumers homes is the voice assistant, such as Apples Siri, Amazons Alexa, Googles Assistant, and Microsofts Cortana. Once simply considered part of a smart speaker, AI-equipped voice assistants are now powerful tools deeply integrated across entire ecosystems of channels and devices to provide an almost human-like virtual assistant experience.

Dont worry we are still far from a Skynet-like scenario. AI is as safe as the technology it is built upon. But keep in mind that any device that uses AI is likely connected to the internet, and given that internet connected device security isnt perfect and we continue to see large company data breaches, there could be AI vulnerabilities if the devices are not properly secured.

Startups and legacy players alike are investing in AI technology. Some of the leaders include household names like:

As well as newcomers such as:

APEX Technologies was also ranked as the top artificial intelligence company in China last year.

You can read our full list of most innovative AI startups to learn more.

Artificial intelligence can help reduce human error, create more precise analytics, and turn data collecting devices into powerful diagnostic tools. One example of this is wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, which put data in the hands of consumers to empower them to play a more active role managing their health.

Learn more about how tech startups are using AI to transform industries like digital health and transportation.

Then-Dartmouth College professor John McCarthy coined the term, artificial intelligence, and is widely known as the father of AI. in the summer of 1956, McCarthy, along with nine other scientists and mathematicians from Harvard, Bell Labs, and IBM, developed the concept of programming machines to use language and solve problems while improving over time.

McCarthy went on to teach at Stanford for nearly 40 years and received the Turing Award in 1971 for his work in AI. He passed away in 2011.

Open application programming interfaces (APIs) are publicly available governing requirements on how an application can communicate and interact. Open APIs provide developers access to proprietary software or web services so they can integrate them into their own programs. For example, you can create your own chatbot using this framework.

As you could imagine, artificial intelligence technology is evolving daily and Business Insider Intelligence keeping its finger on the pulse of how artificial intelligence will shape the future of a variety of industries, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), transportation and logistics, digital health, and multiple branches of fintech including insurtech and life insurance.

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Artificial Intelligence News: Latest Advancements in AI ...

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