Artificial Intelligence: inevitable integration enterprises | Top Stories | – The Weekly Journal

Given the accelerated pace at which Artificial Intelligence (AI) occupies various lines to enhance the way in which private and public agencies carry out their work, more and more people must be trained to understand the impact of the new technology in their lives.

According to CRANT's chief executive, lvaro Melndez, AI represents a transformation for marketing, in which brands will have to appeal to credibility at a time when consumer vulnerability is threatened by the constant generation of content that is mostly not real.

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"Artificial intelligence, beyond the superficial form, in which there has been a lot of talk about it helping you to generate images or video or text, obviously helps a lot because it makes the work easier and gives new opportunities, but there is a much deeper transformation that is what interests us and is that transformation that now all this is possible and much of what will be generated can be misleading ... it may be a lie," said Melndez.

Because the situation involves a new way of consuming information, the executive considered that it is an opportunity for brands to use the tool responsibly to generate a positive impact through marketing.

"It's a different way of thinking about marketing. It's no longer about communicating a product or a service, but now it's about how you are showing reality," the executive commented.

To address the problem, Melndez said that companies must educate themselves in the use of AI in an ethical manner, and become a source of confidence for the consumer.

At a time when marketing is in the early stages with AI, he considered that by the end of this year all companies will have it incorporated, which will generate competitiveness in relation to those that do not.

That is why Melndez designed and carried out the "AI for Marketers" workshop, in collaboration with the agency de la Cruz, to provide a group of marketers with an explanatory framework of the basic principles, ethics, tools, advantages and opportunities that AI provides so that they are not left behind by the incursion of the technology.

"The goal is to facilitate a much deeper understanding of what artificial intelligence is and how it can be applied, both to enhance their work with their companies and their brands, but also to enhance their career. Artificial intelligence (AI) is not for tech people, it's not for data scientists. We all have to understand and master artificial intelligence," said the founder of the company dedicated to the creative application of artificial intelligence.

Results of AI in companies

Among the companies that incorporate Artificial Intelligence as efficiency strategies to generate higher value content, Melndez exemplified Tomorrow AI that generates around 60 thousand marketing materials monthly with a team of only four people.

"Another example is Duolingo, this company that teaches languages. They had to lay off - which is the downside - about a thousand people, because a lot of the content that Duolingo does, and the way they educate people, they can now do it through artificial intelligence," said the CRANT executive.

When asked by The News Journal about the repercussions of AI in terms of employment, Melndez pointed out that the part where more people will be out of work is inevitable because companies will understand that they can carry out tasks through technology.

Although many jobs will disappear, he assured that a creative explosion will emerge that will give way to entrepreneurship.

The finance industry has not been immune to the technological advances of recent decades; in

"We will start to see companies doing things that we would never have imagined possible, and that is interesting because it will break the market and large established companies will disappear because others have solved it in a better way," said Melndez.

"If you are a person who has an idea and wants to execute it, but can't because you don't have the resources or because you don't know how to program, let's say you want to make an application, with artificial intelligence you will be able to make that application without knowing how to program and launch your company with almost no employees and without hiring anyone," he added.

At present, estimates by investment banking group Goldman Sachs on the rise of platforms that use AI suggest that 300 million jobs around the world could be automated, and, in the case of the United States, the workload could be replaced by 25% to 50%.

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Artificial Intelligence: inevitable integration enterprises | Top Stories | - The Weekly Journal

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