A new Mayflower that uses artificial intelligence has crossed the Atlantic and is set to dock in Plymouth – The Boston Globe

During its ambitious technological journey, the ship, which launched from Plymouth, England, in April, collected data and information to help researchers better understand issues affecting marine wildlife and ocean health, including acidification, microplastics, and global warming, according to project details.

MAS represents a significant step in fulfilling Promares mission to promote marine research and exploration throughout the world, Ayse Atauz Phaneuf, Promares president, said in a statement. This pioneering mission is the result of years of work and a global collaboration between Promare, IBM, and dozens of partners from across industries and academia.

Promare, IBM, and their partners have been chronicling MAS400s voyage through social media updates and a collection of livestream cameras that provide a first-hand account of what it encounters at sea like the time a school of dolphin swam alongside it.

People can also explore whats happening on deck by using a mission control dashboard on the projects website.

According to IBM, there are 6 AI-powered cameras, more than 30 sensors, and 15 Edge devices on the MAS400, which input into actionable recommendations for the AI Captain to interpret and analyze.

The technology makes it possible for the ship to adhere to maritime law while making crucial split-second decisions, like rerouting itself around hazards or marine animals, all without human interaction or intervention, the company said.

The ship is propelled and powered by magnetic electric propulsion motors, batteries, and solar panels on its exterior. It has a backup diesel engine.

While the project has set the stage for future unmanned journeys across the ocean, the ship did encounter some hiccups, researchers said.

The vessel had to make at least two pit stops to deal with technical interruptions, including a problem with its generator and the charging circuit for the generator starter batteries.

The problems prompted diversions to both the Azores and Nova Scotia in May.

Still, the teams behind the voyage took the setbacks in stride.

From the outset our goal was to attempt to cross the Atlantic autonomously, all the while collecting vital information about our ocean and climate, said Brett Phaneuf, who co-created the vessel. Success is not in the completed crossing, but in the team that made it happen and the knowledge we now possess and will share so that more and more ships like MAS can safely roam our seas and teach us more about the planet on which we live.

The 10,000 pound vessel left Nova Scotia on June 27 to complete its voyage. Its expected to arrive in Plymouth Harbor around noon Thursday, where it will be greeted by excited researchers.

A welcome ceremony will be held at 3 p.m., as MAS400 docks next to its namesake, the Mayflower II, a replica of the original ship that brought the Pilgrims to America in 1620.

Throughout the centuries, iconic ships have made their mark in maritime technology and discovery through journeys often thought impossible, Whit Perry, captain of the Mayflower II, said in a statement. How exciting to see history being made again on these shores with this extraordinary vessel.

Steve Annear can be reached at steve.annear@globe.com. Follow him on Twitter @steveannear.

Originally posted here:
A new Mayflower that uses artificial intelligence has crossed the Atlantic and is set to dock in Plymouth - The Boston Globe

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