An update on the BBC’s plans for Generative AI (Gen AI) and how we plan to use AI tools responsibly –

Rhodri Talfan Davies is the BBCs Director of Nations. He's responsible for bringing teams together across the BBC to shape our response to an emerging area of technology called Generative AI (or Gen AI). Here he sets out the latest on our plans:

In October 2023, we shared our approach to working with Generative AI (Gen AI) technology and outlined three principles that will shape our approach in this area.

We set out that we would:

Today I wanted to give you an update on what weve been doing including the outline of a number of Gen AI test pilots that were currently working on and details of new guidance that were providing on the use of AI.

In October we said that we would start a number of projects that explore the use of Gen AI in both what we make and how we work - taking a targeted approach to better understand both the opportunities and risks.

Weve now chosen the first projects, which will help us explore different areas where we think that Gen AI could bring significant benefits for audiences and for staff.

At this stage, the vast majority of the pilots are internal-only and wont be used to create content for audiences until we have had an opportunity to learn more.

There are 12 pilots in total (examples below) across three themes:

1)Maximising value of existing content

2) New Audience experiences

3) Make how we do things quicker and easier

Theme 1: Pilots that maximise value of existing content include:

1)Translating contentto make it available to more people

2)Reformatting our existing contentin a way that widens its appeal

Theme 2: Pilots that aim to build new audience experiences include:

1)A BBC Assistant

2)More personalised marketing

Theme 3: Pilots that aim to do things quicker and easier include:

1) Supporting journalists

2)Streamlining how we organise and label our content

We will experiment in each of these areas over the next few months, testing and learning as we go. Well see what works, what doesnt - and make a call on what we take forward. Itll be exciting to see how this develops.

In October, we sharedclearguiding principlesto ensure we use Gen AI technology responsibly at the BBC.

As a reminder, our principles commit to harnessing the new technology to support our public mission, to prioritising talent and creativity, and being open and transparent with our audiences whenever and wherever we deploy Gen AI.

Since then, we have updated the BBCs Editorial Guidance on the use of AI.Thisis for all content-makers to ensure any use of AI supports our editorial value. They have been designed to ensure we never undermine the trust of our audience, and to ensure that all AI usage has active human oversight.

Theres lots going on and well be providing updates on this activity as it progresses.

Thanks for reading.

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An update on the BBC's plans for Generative AI (Gen AI) and how we plan to use AI tools responsibly -

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