Monthly Archives: June, 2015

What is Bitcoin? Learn everything you need to know. What …

Why Bitcoin Popular Opinion What is Bitcoin? With the Bitcoin price so volatile everyone is curious. Bitcoin is extremely complicated and no one definition fully encapsulates it

Ten Reasons Why Cloud Computing is a Bad Idea

Ten Reasons Why Cloud Computing is a Bad Idea Author: Hamad Subani | Date: 2009.06.02 | Category: Cloud Computing, Trends | Tags: Amazon Web Services,Cloud Computing,Fads,Software as a Disservice,Trends If you havent jumped into the Cloud Computing bandwagon yet, here are ten reasons why you should reconsider.

Storage Advice, Discussion, & Community – Network Computing

No SSD-HDD Price Parity Before 2020 Howard Marks responds to a recent Network Computing blog arguing that SSD pricing is falling to hard-disk drive levels and putting HDDs on the road to obsolescence. By Howard Marks Network Computing Blogger, 6/23/2015 Post a comment | Read | Post a Comment Hyperconvergence Hiccups Hypercoverged systems improve VM performance by using server flash for key storage functions, but have drawbacks. Separating storage performance from capacity overcomes these issues

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud – Official Site

Amazon EC2 enables you to increase or decrease capacity within minutes, not hours or days. You can commission one, hundreds or even thousands of server instances simultaneously. Of course, because this is all controlled with web service APIs, your application can automatically scale itself up and down depending on its needs.

Lumbridgecity – Bitcoin and Altcoin Trading Community

LumbridgeCity Bitcoin and Altcoin Trading Community Learn How The AltCoin Markets Really Work If you dont want to keep losing money then you need to know how skilled traders view the bitcoin and altcoin markets. If you have no concept of how these markets really work, then you are leaving yourself open to all kinds of exploits and abuse that can and will be used against you. Perhaps you have lost money consistently, and thats why you are reading this.

What Is Bitcoin Learn all about crypto-currency.

Why Bitcoin Popular Opinion What is Bitcoin? With the Bitcoin price so volatile everyone is curious. Bitcoin is extremely complicated and no one definition fully encapsulates it

Americas #1 Cryptocurrency: The Secret Currency …

A sudden avalanche of folks have been asking about this pitch again, so I thought Id re-share and update my thoughts on something I wrote in the Friday File for the Irregulars back in October of 2013 so yes, this is getting a little old. Much of this is from that original note, or from my update back in January of 2014, though Ive gone through and updated my thoughts (and some of the numbers) a little bit. From my quick glance, the core of the spiel from the Stansberry folks hasnt changed much for this Secret Currency since then, other than to call it the #1 Cryptocurrency now that that term has entered the popular lexicon (and indeed, the ad is not dramatically different than it was when I first covered similar ads of theirs five or six years ago).

Bitcoin isnt the future of money its either a Ponzi …

(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images) Sometimes it's hard to tell whether Bitcoin is more like Ponzi scheme or a pyramid scheme. Whatever it is, though, it isn't a currency. It's a tech stock.

Do You Replace Your Server Or Go To The Cloud? The Answer …

Cloud (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Is your server or servers getting old? Have you pushed it to the end of its lifespan

Bitcoin: In Search Of Purpose – Forbes

Silk Road kingpin Ross Ulbrichts recent conviction and life sentence was more than simply a crackdown on a massive online black market for illegal drugs. It was a nail in the coffin of the radical new cryptocurrency Bitcoin, as Bitcoin was the glue that held Silk Road together